K D's 11

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Hey this is the author speaking, well obviously, but anyway above is the girl I pictured as Max, I'll add more for other characters too. I have a couple stories I'm currently working on and I tend to use the same characters for each book but they are not connected in any way lol. Let's just jump right in, don't forget to star/vote on any chapters you like and help me write this story by spell checking it or telling me what you think should happen and I might piece it in to the story. Thx P.S. should I change P.O.V's throughout the story? Let me know in the comments or message me.

one day ago

"Guys let's go!" I say through a hushed whisper.

"Ugh" Jake groans "I'm the only one carrying the weight here"

I run up to Jake who is wearing black skinny jeans, a black jacket and a beanie. I grab one of the duffel bags he is carrying leaving him with the other and keep moving.

"You sure you knocked them all out?" I ask not really worried.

"Trust me they won't even know we were here." He says and I can almost see his ego pouring out.

"I trust no one" I reply, and as if my words triggered something I hear a door slam a couple of rooms away. "Run! Their inside" I yell not knowing if it's just our 'close pals' ready for another game of 'hide and seek' or 'tag', or if it's the people that lent us all the stuff in our beautiful bags.

"Spoke too soon?" Jake asks.

"No, your right on time as usual" Caz tells him pushing back his blonde bangs that fell over his blue eyes.

We start running out of the apartment building, but we're not headed down because we already know our 'close pals' are waiting at the bottom. We're headed up to the roof and luckily the majority of the building is still sleep or else we might not have been able to climb all those stairs as fast. I pull the straps of the duffel bag I have over my head and let it hang while I climb out the nearest window and pull myself up using the roof ledge. I look down, instantly regret it and hurry up climbing because we're twelve stories off the ground. I pull my legs up and over the roof ledge, suspended in air for a split second as I do so, then set down my bag and help Jake with his, while Caz effortlessly pulls himself out and over.

While we wait for Reggie to block off the door and climb up we decide on a target. Reggie climbs up and tells me 'our friends' that gave us the cash are right down the hall and that we need to get going.

I don't waste time telling Reggie our target because I know he'll figure it out. If he didnt know how to figure things out he wouldnt be here right now.

I start running, gaining as much speed as I can, while Caz and Jake do the same, with Reggie catching on seconds after. Caz jumps first, like always, and I jump second along side Jake nearly clearing the 6ft gap between buildings. We don't wait for Reggie; he's right behind us and we don't slow down either. 'Our friends' are already on the roof of the apartment building spotting where we are. When we get to the edge of this building Jake and I simultaneously throw our bags through the six by five window on the building next door which is thankfully open and no body is home, then we follow in after them over an 8ft gap, which we wouldn't have made if the window was a fraction of an inch higher.

Caz lands on his feet, and without stopping or stumbling, he continues to run, I jump then end up doing a tuck and roll grabbing my bag in the process which makes me loose my balance for a second because of the weight before I continue to run and Jake does the same thing I did except he trips over the table in the middle on the apartment floor. Reggie not carrying anything also sticks the landing and catches up with Caz before me and Jake.

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