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Hey hope you're liking my story, any suggestions please tell me, don't forget to vote. That's my bestfriend above. Isn't she pretty.


I jumped off of him and sat on the other side of the room looking at the ground. He's grinning with his head cocked sideways. Why do guys grin and smirk so much?

We just sat in silence for a second until I gather my words.

"I was not a damsel in destress," I say because it's all I can.

"Really... I only saved you, and caught you when you fell. I don't think you could do anything that could match what I've been through, seen, and done."

I'm caught off guard for a second with sympathy but then respond with the first thing I can think of, "If only you knew the things I do, I didn't get these abs and brains from nothing."

"Like what" he says, his eyes challenging.

Dang it I can't tell him, how do I cover this?

"Umm... I was on the math team, and I go to the gym every week with no excuses" I tell him sounding stupidly cheerful.

"Really, what gym?" He says, his face lighting up.

"The one on the corner of a street" I say.

"Ayee street?" He asks cautiously "Umm Ayee street doesn't have a gym on the corner there's one in the middle of the block."

"Yea that one." I say then he smiles.

I go there too maybe we can go together? I mean since you go every week, no excuses right?" He responds with a hint of evil in his eye.

"Umm sure" I say sensing he knows I'm lying.

"So where are we having the date, I could prove to you that I go to the gym then maybe you don't have to waste time going with me". I'm trying to change the subject while fixing my lie.

"Sure you can" he says looking curious.

"Fine" I say daring him to argue.

I climb out the window with ease, game on. It's later than I thought, is already around 12 which means my gang will be out. But this is perfect for my plan. I climb back in and grab a hat off his dresser and tell him to do the same. Now we both climb out and leave.

I stop back at my house get my car and like I thought the gangs gone. I get in my car and Dakota gets in the passenger seat. I pull the Batman snapback hat on all the way and look over at Dakota. His hair is tousled because of the base ball cap he just took off. He is wearing baggy jeans and a blue muscle shirt.

When we get there I pull around back and into the private parking space.

"Put on the cap" I say.

"You gave me another ride to school" he says raising an eyebrow after realizing where we are.

"Just come on" I say, "did you grab the duffel bag out of my trunk?"

"Yep, what do we need it for?" He asks sounding bored.

"You'll see" I say, then jump and climb over the fence surrounding the school's entrance.

He looks impressed then climbs with the bag over one arm. I grab my lock pick and the I.D. Card I took from a teacher I don't like as a prank. After picking the lock to the first door and using the I.D. card on the second we're inside. Instead of taking a stroll I look back at Dakota and start running to the janitor's office in the back of the school. When we get there Dakota's reaches for a box full of cash and I small his hand, shaking my head no. That's not why we're here. I climb on top of the desk and move one of the ceiling tiles revealing a door.

I pull myself through then grab the bag from Dakota and watch him struggle to pull himself through the space. Once he's through the door I set the bag down and begin unloading.

"The roof?" He asks "you broke into the school to get to the roof?"

"Yes" I say blandly.

He looks down and sees that the duffel bag held food. Watermelon, a couple water bottles, a tuna fish sandwich and a couple slices of pizza.

He reaches for the tuna and I yell "hey, that's mine".

"You eat tuna?" He asks me raising an eyebrow.

"Duh" I said trying to cover up my embarrassment.

"We can share then" is his response.

I can't believe he eats tuna too. We share it, have a water drinking contest and pig out on the watermelon. I find out he loves crab just like me.

we pack up to leave and I take my diet stabilizing pill. I'm about to climb off the roof after Dakota when large hands grab my arms and cover my mouth and eyes. I hear Dakota yelling but is unable to climb back up and help me.

I'm carried down the side of a building when I hear Dakota getting closer and Reggie's voice yelling at Jackson who is holding me, and Adam to hold Dakota back into I'm inside the car. When I hear this I relax. I was worried it was a rival gang. I hear a thud and a groan then I'm placed inside a car with leather seats. I can see again after being moved over and stuck between Adam and Jackson, Jackson has a scratch on his face. Reggie climbs into the driver seat and pulls off.

Once gone I race out of the car and am grabbed by Reggie then see Jake pull up in my car. I am pulled inside and once the door shuts behind the gang members that came to get me I run into the living room where Caz is sitting as I expected.

"Ugh!" I yell just because he shows no emotions on his face which ticks me off.

I dart towards my room and see Reggie reach out to grab me but is stopped by Caz's arm motion. Caz comes into my room and I kick him out. Jake is next to come in.

"I'm sorry,"he says "I told them you were fine, but when it's me against Reggie I lost big time"

"How did you know I was okay?" I ask.

"I saw you leave with that boy after getting your car" he says in a hushed whisper.

"Oh"is all say.

"What happened to your face?" I ask seeing a bruise.

His face contorts into a scowl as he says "that boy you were with really put up a fight, until he scratched Jackson.

Jackson has tattoos all over and is the undefined leader of the gang. He's bigger than Caz.

"Jackson punched him and he was on the ground" he says his face softening.

So that was the thud I heard. Why is Jake so spiteful today? Is he jealous?



"Hi, it's me Max, not short for anything just Max. Ig Joyce likes unisex names a lot. Anyway can somebody help me! I read ahead in the script (don't tell Joyce) and I don't want that to happen I can't die in the main character, the star, center of attention, I don't want to be like Tris and Tobias I need to live, unfortunately Joyce hasn't written that far so I'm left on a cliff hanger. Help me guys." Max.

"Max! No spoilers get back on set and get out of my a/n this is my five seconds of fame you ass whole." Joyce

"Whoa Bessie, calm down." Max

"LEAVE!!!! Before you die now" I yell in a deep voice like Farkle in that one episode when Jay shows up in the middle of a lesson.

Hey guys don't forget to vote plz it really helps. Srry for the odd ending, feel free to comment, srry about what happened back there, things got out of hand no spoilers! I almost killed her. Luckily she didn't really give anything away because I haven't written her script that far, I knew better. Anyway bye everyone ~Joyce

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