Graduation Day

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Hey, how's everybody doing? Again srry for all the updates just went back and changed the whole after school tryouts thing because it didn't make sense lol. Anyway thank you so much for reading my stories, I hope you like this chapter and don't forget to vote.


It's still friday. I get my letter in the mail, then decide that despite Caz's bugging lately I should open it in front of them.


We are sitting in the dining room and it's not just Jake over today. Caz just got done hosting a meeting for the gang and most of the higher ranked members are here. Reggie, Caz, Jake, and the leader Jackson, are seated at the table. Clark, Adam, Sebastian, and Toby are all other members but they aren't sitting at the table. Toby and Clark are in the dining room and they're chowing down on some pizza. Adam and Sebastian are stuck on the couch like glue playing Army Of Two, I can tell because I hear one of them say shoot the cat and then they started arguing over who should lift who.

When I walk in holding up the letter and see all those people I freeze. I decide I want to wait to show Caz and Jake after everyone leaves. I don't have stage fright I just don't want to make a big deal if I graduated or be embarrassed if I didn't. I bring the envelope towards my back pocket.

Caz asks what it is and I tell him, "nothing, nothing important anyway".

"You don't know that you haven't even opened it yet" he says and I see Jake get up out of his chair and walk towards the hall behind me.

"Trust me it's not" I mumble and then Jake snatches it out of my back pocket, and before I can spin around and kick him, he has already read the title on the envelope.

He's on the ground from my sweep kick and I snatch the letter after he reads aloud "To the parents or guardian of Max Simpson".

Simpson is Jake's last name and it make me laugh how he never stops teasing even though I don't like him.

"Nothing important? That letter is going to decide your future." He questions which gets everyone in the rooms attention.

Oh boy.

I open the seal using my sharp nails and pull out the letter.

"It says..." I start, skipping through paragraphs to find out if I graduated but my hands are shaking and have to read it over and over to find it and believe what I see.

"I graduated" I say quietly then repeat louder "I graduated with a 3.9 GPA!!".

Jackson lets out a "whoop whoop!" and everyone else joins in.

Adam and Sebastian even turn off the game, I assume, and come into the dining room to join in on all the noise.

"Guys, guys! You're going to wake the neighbors" I say over the noise.

They quiet down slightly and start laughing and celebrating "It's only 6pm?" Jake says then raps his arm around my waist, "We missed having you on the team" he says looking down at me.

Why is everyone taller than me?

Caz get's up and pulls me into a bear hug away from Jake. 

"We're celebrating" he says with a mischievous look in his eyes.

"Are we going out?" I ask excited to do something dangerous for the first time in a while.

My thrill seeking self was about to go skydiving onto a cliff and then cliff diving just to lessen the urge. This is going to be so much better.

"Do I get to choose?" I ask the group that was sitting at the table in front of me, mainly just asking Jackson.

"Go right ahead" Jackson responds.

"Anywhere?" I clarify.

"Yep" Caz says.

I whip out my phone and go to google maps and type in A-l-v-a-r-a-d-o.

I find an old building that's on the edge of town near where I was and decide that's our best bet.

This is going to be fun.

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Hey, Sorry for the short chapter I try to keep them mostly 2,000 words at least but i've been busy because I just joined lake shore high schools football team! Hope you liked this chapter don't forget to vote just the push of a button and it really means a lot to me. BTW Thank you readhead321 you really made my day with all the votes thank you so much I really appreciate it. Everyone plz go follow and have a nice day. TTYL-Joyce.

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