You're dead

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Above is what Max was wearing in the last chapter.
I still don't know if I should add Dakota's point of view let me know.

"Ahh!" I screamed.

Before he had the chance to react I was on top of him with his arm twisted behind his back. I didn't have him in this position long because of his reflexes, he quickly got out of it and grabbed both of my wrists backing me into a wall.

"Calm down, it's me" Dakota told me in a voice like honey.

"As if that's supposed to make me feel better" I replied then asked "what are you doing here?"

I hadn't realized how close he was to me and I could smell his Kalvin Klein cologne. He smelled so good I couldn't help but close my eyes and just breath him in. I instantly regret it when I open my eyes to him raising an eyebrow at me.

"What..are you...doing?" He asks amused.

"Oh um nothing you just smell...good" you could tell something was going threw his head but I don't know what, so I say "don't dodge my question, why are you here?"

"What I can't visit a friend?" he asks me innocently.

"Let go of me" I tell him sternly.

He lets go and sits on the window ledge looking at me intently.

I decide to make him drop his glare by saying "first of all that's not okay, and second you were visiting someone who you just met, uninvited and then got into a fight with her, and she doesn't recall telling you were she lives. So it looks like you have some explaining to do."

"So we aren't friends?" is all he asks.

"No, now explain," when he doesn't start talking I tell him "you see that clock over there which currently says 3:47pm, Caz will be home at around 4:05pm then you're dead, so you'd better get talking because you don't stand a chance.

"Caught, ha right. I don't get caught," He says proudly then adds "how about this, if I don't get caught you have to take me out to eat, and vice versa."

"Hahaha, oh wait you're serious. Okay, just out to eat?" I confirm.

"On a date." he says really pushing his luck.

"Fine, but you'd better get talking, you only have 11 minutes" I tell him.

*Sighs* then answers "First of all you started the fight and let me tell you it wasn't very comfortable having my arm twisted behind my back, at least I gave you an admirable position." taking on a more relaxed look he asks "I know we just met but can we be friends?"

"Hmm," I begin "I only started the fight as self defense, and no."

"No, what?" He asks confused.

"No we can't be friends." I say plainly.

Even though he looks confused still, I can see the hurt in his eyes. I almost feel bad for him but then I remember why we can't be friends. As I snap back into reality I notice we've just been staring into each other's eyes and I realize he never answered two of my questions.

"Well i'd better go" he says quickly.

"You never finished answering my questions" I say almost yelling at him

He sits down on the bed and I stand leaning against the wall. I start to pace around then I tell him to wait a second while I get something. I need to get my pills from my dresser drawer and I don't want him to know that I have to take them. As I pull out my dresser drawer he begins to talk.

"Hmm......" is all he gets out.

I'm still digging in my drawer when Caz walks in and I jump dropping all my pills in the trash can next to my dresser.

"Caz it's not what it looks like" I say nervous.

"What's not?" he asks then sees the pills in the trash.

I look around but Dakota is long gone, I didn't even hear him leave, so i'm assuming he's still somewhere in the room.

"Umm" I start.

"You're trying to trow them away again!" He asks his voice rising.

"No, I just got startled when you walked in and dropped them" I reply.

"Is that right?" he asks "and why were you startled because usually you only do that when you're hiding something."

He steps forward then reaches into the trash can and pulls out my half empty pill bottle setting it on the dresser. Caz puts his hands on my arms and pulls me over towards the bed where we sit on the edge and he lets me go.

"Why?" he asks still not believing my story.

I decide it would be easier to explain why I would throw out my pills rather than what really happened. To be honest I planned on throwing them out later that night anyways.

"Dang it Max, you know you need them!" he says getting up off the bed, almost yelling now.

This turns out to be harder than I thought "I don't like them." I offer.

"You're going to risk your life because you don't like them?" he says calmly sitting back down.

"It's not really risking my life," I mumble "I just don't think I need them anymore i'm all better".

"Listen Max," he says with a hurt look in his eyes "we've been talking and, well...never mind, we'll talk in the living room when Jake gets here okay?"

"Umm, sure," I say not sure what else I could, and happy to get off the topic from before.

He gets up and walks out, then without hesitation I start to look for Dakota.

"Dakota?" I call in a low voice.

"You can come out now." I say twice.

"Max, who are you talking to?" Caz yells down the hall.

"Um, nobody, just thinking" I yell back.

"Talking to yourself, hmm.....and you said you didn't need the medicine" he says while chuckling and I have to strain to hear him.

I hear the door open then close. Jake, great now we get to 'talk', which usually plays out with them talking about me like i'm not there, them telling me something I don't want to hear, me arguing with them until I refuse to do what they ask, I get grounded, I still don't listen to them and they get over it.

I can't wait.

I start to climb out my window when Caz yells down the hallway "Max climb back through your window and get down here!"

I'm always just a few seconds late and he calls me to the living room, I should start climbing out when I hear the door open.

Hope you liked this chapter I will continue to write as much I can even though I currently am working on a lot of stories. Ttyl-Joyce

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