What Was I Thinking?

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Hey, its been a while. I haven't really been in the mood to write because I've been sick, I still am but I need to do active stuff I guess lol. Well on with the story...

I don't know what I plan on doing when we get to Alvarado city but I know I have to go. I feel like something is pulling me there.

I don't bother changing out of the skinny jeans and red blouse I have on. I got to choose who goes with us, so I obviously chose Caz and Jake, then decided Jackson and Reggie should come along too. I get to drive and the gang all sits in the back. We took a big black, stalker looking, van.

Caz and Jake kept texting me asking where we were going and I kept saying its a surprise. I use my phone as a GPS since I didn't actually know where I was going. It doesn't take as long as it did when I was on the bus because we didn't have to make any stops along the way. It took about 40 minutes. I had to turn and stop and slow down and speed up to keep up with the speed limit, and just as I was getting tired of all the turns, red lights, and was tired of driving, the houses start getting bigger and I can see our destination at the end of the dead end street.

I pull up on the empty grass lot at the end of the street outside the house and see there aren't any other cars on the street. All the street lights are out and I think everyone is asleep by now. I open the back doors of the van letting the guys out.

Caz looks around then asks, "Where are we?"

"If I told you, then that would ruin the fun," I reply.

"Yea," Jake says, "just go with the flow, it's not like it'll kill you to not know what's going on for once."

"What are we doing here?" Jackson asks, making me remember he's with us along with Reggie.

I don't know what I planned on doing, I guess I wasn't really thinking that far ahead. So, first things first, I guess we'll just have to go inside and then take a look around.

"Let's go inside this house and see if there's anything inside worth while," I say, then start walking around towards the back of the big, two story, run down, house.

I get around back and there aren't any cars back here either. I'm really starting to doubt that this is even worth while, this might all just be a waste of time. The doors are made out of a heavy metal and are locked so that means we'll have to get inside a different way.

"What exactly is your plan here?" Jake whispers to me.

I find a way in threw one of the second floor windows and brush off Jake's question by climbing the side of the neighbor's one story house, onto the roof. The guys follow my lead. I see a vine growing around the window and because the buildings aren't that far apart, I jump. My foot barely grips the vines as my other one dangles in the air. My hands are gripping the ledge and my heart is racing. "How did I make that?" I question myself, in my head. I get a firm grip on the ledge and make sure both my feet are supported by the vines before pulling myself up and through the open window. Caz matches my movements perfectly except he has better footing and doesn't slip on the vines. Reggie jumps. The vines break off the building underneath him and his hand slips away from the ledge, his arm quickly being snatched out of the air by Caz and then pulled through the window.

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