Chapter 1

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Aniya P.O.V.

It's 5:45 a.m and I have to get up and get ready for school. I went to Norway high school in Miami, Fl.

After I finished showering, I did my usual hygiene. Today I'm gonna wear something simple like a Polo Shirt, some jeans, and sperry's.

I live on the poor side of town. The only way I can afford the clothes I am wearing now is buy selling from here and their. I don't do it oftenly cause it's very risky. I just do it to provide for myself.


It was time for me to walk to the bus stop. When the bus came I sat in the front like always. I tried to avoid some of the people on this bus cause some of em used to bully cause of the way I used to dress last year.

When we got to school I headed straight towards the cafeteria. I didn't eat much at home so I tried to eat as much as I can at school. Today they had bananas,yogurt, cereal bars, and cereal and milk. I put one of each on my tray and punched my lunch number in so the lunch lady can check me in into the system.

I made my way to an empty spot at a table. I looked around to see if anybody was looking at me then I put everything on my tray into my bag except the cereal and milk cause I'm going to eat that.

After I finished eating I walked straight to 1st period which was Algebra 2. As the bell rung the teacher gave us assigned seats. Since my name was in the back of the alphabet my seat was in the back. I sat next to a tall brown skin boy. I would lie if I said he wasn't fine. He had nice teeth white teeth and a smile.

I caught myself staring at him and he caught me to. So I just pretended like I was looking past him.

"I seen you looking at me" he said.

I looked around to see if he was talking to somebody else when I knew he was talking to me.

I looked up and said to him "who me?".

He gave me the duh look.

"I wasn't looking at you. I was staring at the poster with the formulas on it behind you" I said clearly blushing.

"Mhmmmm yeah whatever you say" he said.

The teacher started explaining stuff but I didn't listen I started to zone out and my mom came to mind. I remember when she used to tuck me in at night and tell me she love me. But then she left me at the age of 7 to be alone raised with out a mother. She left me for dead and to be hurt. She didn't really love me like she said she did.

*Aniya in m/m.*

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