04. Unanswered Questions

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Niall's POV

"W-what do y-you mean?" I stammered as my breathing became uneven. Sam sighed sadly and left. I looked at the girls for answers but they left me hanging as well. The bell rang, signaling the end of lunch and on to the new class. I knew I had football or soccer with Mr. Don.

As I made the walk to the gym, I saw Harry and his friends going the same way. Great, I have another class with the school's bad boy. Just what I need. I heard my name being called and saw three guys swoop down on me.

"You the new kid?" One of them asked. I nodded and tried walking away but they formed a tight circle around me. Oh please let me get through the day without getting beat up. Please someone please.

"Relax kid, we aren't going to hurt ya. The name's Liam." the one on my left said. A closer look at him, I realized what a beautiful color of brown his eyes were. A solid chocolate color. That reminded me how hungry I still am.

"I'm Louis and that quiet one is Zayn." the first one said. He had the bluest eyes I've ever seen. Well except my own. Zayn had that mysteriousness to him. Dark hair, eyes and skin, he even looked like a dark one.

"Oh, mine's Niall."

They laughed and we walked into the locker rooms. They probably have already heard of me. Point to me for embarrassing myself... again.

I excuse myself from the guys to introduce myself to the coach, whom doesn't exactly care. He gives me a certain position and ushers me to go change so I'm not late to practice.

Which I am anyways but at least it doesn't faze me.

Surprisingly, the period went by quickly. Aside from getting kicked in the stomach when I got in someone's way, I got away with nothing broken!

Pathetic, right?

So Liam, Louis, Zayn and I were back in the locker rooms, changing and such. I was just about to pull on my clean shirt when a little breath of air sent shivers down my spine. I turn and come face to face (well really face to neck because I'm so short) with Harry.

"You really think I'm just going to allow you to steal my friends away from me and I would do nothing about it?" He says in that raspy god like voice... ahhh!! Stop these thoughts! I need to stop these thoughts before they get too dirty.... Crud too late.

"Well? I'm waiting." Thankfully, Liam beats him to saying anything else.

"Harold leave the kid alone. We're just making friends. He's not stealing anyone from you."

Harry stiffens and walks off, but not before saying, "Don't call me Harold or you are asking for it Payne."

It takes me a moment to recover from whatever mood Harry's in to finally pull my shirt over my head.

"God what has him in mood?" Louis asks. They shrug.

"If I didn't know any better, I would think it's because the anniversary is coming up. You know how moody he always gets when early October comes."

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked.

Either they shut up because they knew I was there or they forgot I was there and left as the bell rang. I almost ran after them but Jessica randomly appeared at my side and dragged me to Yearbook with her. When am I ever going to get a straight answer from someone around here?

Mysterious POV

A hooded figure walked around the courtyard, class was in session so he wouldn't be caught. He quickly walked behind one of the buildings, the science building to be exact. What most students didn't know was that there was a small memorial that sat between the building and the woods behind the school. That was the figure's reason to being back there.

The person, a young guy, slowly made their way to the memorial that sat there all lonely. The figure brushed his long bony fingers along the stone, a few tears slipped from his eyes as he thought about the person who shouldn't have died.

No one would ever see their messy dirty blonde hair or their stormy grey eyes ever again. No one would see the person's freckles that they hated but the guy secretly loved. No one would ever even see what the person would have looked without their braces, they died too early in life.

Choking back a sob, the guy placed a white rose on the memorial and another on the ground. Why couldn't it have been me were his thoughts every time he visited the place. Why did I have to say this or say that? Why did I ever let them slip from my grasp?

Did you know, that I loved you said the figure. However it seemed clear it was too late to tell them now. They were long gone, having left the earth two years ago.

As soon as he read the carved writing on the stone, he broke down for the first time in months.

"Why?!" he yelled and it echoed throughout the woods. No one answered him as always, the silence was just a cruel reminder of the mistake he made, that one night so  long ago.

It cost him his sanity and his best friends' life. And he would never forget it; not even if he tried.

He thought that no one knew about this but as time went on, he would soon come to know that more people knew of the memorial than he had originally thought.

Hey look, I didn't mean to but I rewrote the mysterious scene... oops?

From my mind to the computer keys to your eyes to read, I'm Jessica xx

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