46. The Funeral

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Warning, Niall is not moving, don't worry ;)

Niall's POV

"Niall, I don't know how to say this," my spoke into the phone and I was hanging on to everything that she said, she said something about bad news. What worse could happen in my life? Cody was dead, Myka was slowly going insane by herself, I had moved. Well if I hadn't moved then I would have never gotten away from my father and never have met Harry.

"Just say it Mum."

"Your father has passed away." I almost dropped my phone.


"Yes, sweetie. He was walking home from the club and seemed to have a heart attack. He wasn't treated soon enough and died on the way to the hospital." How my mum spoke calmly, I have no clue.

"So he's just... gone?"

"Yes honey, Greg had called me this morning to inform me. But we have to go to the funeral."

"The hell? Why should we? He ruined our lives mum!"

"Niall James Horan, he was your father and yes he may have made some mistakes but he helped raise you. Just because he didn't support your sexuality did not mean he didn't love you."

"He sure had an odd way of showing his affection." I sighed and rubbed my hands over my face. I heard someone walking behind me and rested my gaze on Harry. He looked concern but kept his distance. I mentally thanked him for that; I definitely wanted my space right now.

"When is the funeral?" I asked as I watched Harry's expression, he looked shocked but then composed himself. He also had a look that said You-better-explain-later.

"March 17Th, so in a few days sweetie. Do you want to bring some of your friends? Maybe that Jessica girl or that Harry lad?" I laughed softly, even though she had met Jessica, she obviously knew about my crush on Harry so she was just being polite that night for the dance. She really liked Harry though so I had to be careful what I said next.

"Yeah, I guess I could ask him if he wanted to come. Can Jessica's boyfriend come along too?"

"That girl already has a boyfriend? She did like someone else! Why were you two dating then?"

"It's a complicated story that I'll tell you later mum. So do I head straight home and pack?"

"Yes, we'll be leaving tomorrow night at the latest. Ask your friends quickly and tell me if they need to be picked up. Bye love!" and with that she hung up. Harry walked closer and crossed his arms across his chest.

"Okay what's up?"

"OkaymymomjustcalledtotellmethatmydadisdeadandthatwehavetogotoirelandsoonforthefuneralandyoujessicanadLouisareinvited." I said really fast and looked down to the ground. I heard him sigh above me and his hand came up to lift my chin to level our eyes.

"Say it slowly Niall, I'm not going to judge you about anything." I nodded and mentally prepared myself. This was going to shock him just as much as it did for me.

"Okay, my mom just called to tell me that my dad had passed away from an unexpected heart attack and that we have to go to Ireland soon for the funeral. She said that I could invite some of my close friends and said that you and Jessica could come. Louis is automatically coming since you know, Jessica and he are dating."

"Alright when are you guys leaving?"

"Tomorrow night. The funeral is literally in a couple of days." Silence settled around us, and I couldn't help but think about how this happened, and what luck did I have that allowed this to happen to me. Why am I not as happy as I should be? Why am I actually sort of upset about it all. I mean I might miss him.... If he wasn't such an asshole to me while I stayed in Ireland.

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