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it was a stormy day. and you kno what storms mean for castiel novak. or maybe u dont idk.

caz found stroms very secksy.

mayb it was the lightning that was brighter than the future of all ze girlz on tumblr who couldnt thenk of a mor original joke.

mayb it wash the fear of being attacked by th stoom (cas was v kinky he likeded dominance cough cough dnae take note)

or mayb it was the inviting SCREMZ of PleSHOR they bellowed in a huksy voice altho not a vioice bcoz itz not a human thing it weathr dumbass.

catil dessised he wuz goin to put hiz shootin star in dnee's blak hole that night. then he thinked hard (amolst as hard as hiz dik) about the inevitability of death n how big the universe is n he cries a bit bcos he is only takes up six feet of this aforestated universe.

"what tHe crapples ackles" he mumbleded to the wall. the wall frownd bak at him. "you dumb shit" it sed.

"shtu op wall i do wot i want im fukin faboolos" he scLOLded the r00d wall with authorititties

"ur not worth my breatgh."

"u don't breath u hav no respiratory system ur a wall"


satisfieded with his absoloot ROAST, catalyst truned around in slow motion and strutted away lik cara deglegs while pixelated sunglasses flew down from the hevens onto his face bcos he was offishully cool. but then he thought about dneenee aggen and his dik went hard as a rock so he couldnt walk anymore :-((

"dnammit god" he shreked in2 th fluffy clouds above "without my deaNAENAE i hav nobody to WHIP"

sduddenly the clouds began to sing the song that cushtell had accidentlee quoted . and ppl flooded the streets screming and cryin,, drowning in the audible horror that was tht awful song.

it wos like the noah's ark all ovr agen.

"FUK MI UP THE ASS WOT HAVE I DON"n cries cas. he putted a finger in his ear drum and finds it was bleeding

"noooooOOOOOOOOOOo" he yellz

this is it

this is the apocalocapipsdeede.

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