bucket list pART 1

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sumtimz life is hard. like a dik. but also is like a rock. and the life rock is jagged bcos of all the emotional bumps of emotion u fel. yeah yo know when ppl say life is a rollercoaster?? yea fuk them they know nothing . rock is a mchuch bettr anaolgie.

casserole novice was sittin on some actual rocks by the sea bcos he was at the beach bcos life is also a beach lol metaphors.

"o sea o sea, i lov thee, pls make dean b as gay as me" he wishished into the thousands of smashin molecules. not a single one of the hydrogen or oxygen pieces relPIEd.

"k fuk u too then" sed he.

then sadly he died of sadness. but then bcos he iz just too gey for everyone and everything he ressurectdeded.

"woo woo i am aleeeve" he scremd.

then he thoughted about all the things he wanted to do before he actually dies.


sumwher ellse, in a land full of demons, angles and chipotle, a lil or not so lil man was POPPIN DAT PUSSAY on a cross trenner !
"2, 911, 67, 69, 420" dnea counted with pashoon . he was v tired. he was also v hrony. butt more triered.

"mm yes spleen" he sexd to himslef. "werk werk werk werk werk wrk"

thn SUDLY DEEN LOST CONTOL!!!!!!!!! and he went soaring backwards off the cross trainer n did a lap of the world . then he roly polyd back in thru th windo bcos he liked windows. in fukt, he assprierd to have a mind as clear as a window. then he would never be angy or sad.

"hllo dne" sed a tall figure stnadin on hiz bed.

"LEEV NED ALONE" he growld.
(the word bed reminded him of the name ned. therefor dnae called his bed ned .)


"NED IS MY BESTEST FREND" he walks bigly over to ned the bed

" well ur gong to have to FITE me for custardy of it@" th thing whhispered seductively


"aaaaaa" sed th being sadly and painly

"bang bang" yelld deans fist


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2016 ⏰

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