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//Hey, upper east siders. It's Christmas in New York, and along with the season comes the Constance Billard/St. Judes bazaar, where the only thing bizarre are the donated items for sale\\

Everyone was at the school for some fair that goes on every year. Holland was with Blair when the brunette picked up a couple of giant candy canes. B always got two every year, it was a tradition that she had with her dad. On the girls way out of the school, they bumped into Chucks dad and her mom. "Holland." Her mother calls.

As the redhead was looking for her lipstick to reapply, she spoke to the two. "Hi, mom. Happy holidays, Mr Bass. I didn't think you where still in town, I figured that you where with-"

"With Charles? No. Sadly, I am stuck here on business while he suns himself at my hotel in Monaco. I have my staff keeping an eye on him and I'll join him for new years." The Bass cut her off, predicting correctly on what he thought she would say.

Holland's head snapped up, forgetting all about her lipstick. She was truly shocked, even blind people could sense the shock radiating off of her. "Oh, right. I-I uh, was wondering why'd he'd been so quiet. Monaco answers my question." She musters the last bit. Blair, who was still standing next to her, placed a light hand on her arm. "Lovely talking to you Mr Bass. Bye mom." H rushed out. As the two where walking away, she coded to pull out her phone and send Chuck a text. 'Monaco huh? Anything I need to know?' And by the time she had sent the text, Blair had disappeared with Serena.

Authors note
Sorry this chapter was so short. I just don't really think that my character fits into this episode much, also this is one of my least favourite episodes so I didn't want to go into detail about the events.

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