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Katniss POV yay

I turn my head over to face the girl sleeping beside me, Malia Tate. Since when did I like girls?

The girl starts to stir and I quickly turn to the other side, almost as if I'm embarrassed.

I feel Malia moving beside me and I squeeze my eyes shut.

"I know you're awake." The girl states. I still don't move an inch.

She groans and places her arms around my waist, almost making me gasp. She lays her head on my shoulder and I have to force myself not to smile.

"Please wake up." She begs but I don't respond. Malia huffs and moves away from me, myself soon missing the warmth her arms around my body gave me.

I hear and feel movement from the bed but I'm soon flipped over and being straddled. I open my eyes to see Malia with a grin on her face.

"Got you." She smirks and I can't help but smile back.

"You're heavy." I groan, jokingly.

"You didn't say that last night." The attractive girl responds and I roll my eyes, moving myself away from her.

A frown soon forms on her face which spreads concern around my mind.

"You okay?" I ask, reaching to hold her hand.

"Do you regret last night?" Malia asks, taking her gentle hand in mine.

"No, of course not. Do you?" I reply, moving closer to her.

"Defiantly not." She grins wide. Before I know it, her lips are on mine.

After a few minutes, I break up the kiss and get off of the bed.

"We have school today, we don't have time to be doing this right now." I state and Malia groans and flops down onto the bed.

"Why don't we just skip? School's not important anyway." The girl complains as I grab a shirt and place it over my head. (Theyre both wearing a bra and pants btw no porn)

"School is very important. I mean, you could become a scientist, a mathematic-"

"But I hate maths." Malia complains again as she rolls around the bed. I slip on some shorts and walk over to the upset girl.

I turn her over so she's facing me and I give her a short but passionate kiss.

"If you get dressed and go to school, we can continue that later." I smirk and she almost jumps out of bed and runs to get dressed.

I giggle, then walk over to straighten  my hair and do my makeup.

"HIDE!" Malia panicks, throwing a pillow towards me.

"Huh?" I grab the pillow just before it manages to ruin my hair.

"My dad is coming! Get under the bed." She doesn't do much after saying this; the beautiful girl just waits.

When the door flies open, I'm under the bed breathing as quiet as a mouse.

"Why hello there father. Nothing to see here, goodbye." Malia sucks at acting I'm not even kidding.

"I'm not leaving, now what's under the bed?" I have to sneeze, shit.


"Are you sure?"




"Are you telling the truth Malia Tate?"


"Is there something under your bed?"

"Yes." My life ends now. "Wait, I mean -"


I sprint.

Out of the room.

Down the hallway.

And out the front door.

At school, just as I arrive, I feel someone jump on my back. I bet you know who it is, Malia Tate. I protest against this idea but Malia really wants me to carry her around.

A lot of people - including Allison, Scott and Stiles - stare oddly at us. She jumps off of me and drags me into an empty classroom. Her lips find their way to mine and the person who I am dreading most right now walks in.

"What the fuck Kaniss!" Peeta yells.

This is short but idc so yeah

This is short but idc so yeah

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The Wolf -- Katniss Everdeen #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now