Chapter One

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As the wind blew the flowers bent to its will. I looked down at my bare feet in the dark soil and began to step forward to feel more gusts of wind hitting my body soothing me. I continue walking forward until i reach the middle of the field of dandelions. I bent down to grab one and brought it up to blow a wish, as i watched the now little pieces of the dandelion fly away I took notice of my shadow it was completely normal besides the large shape attached to my back. I lifted my hand to see if the shadow was really mine and it'd copy my movement and to my surprise it did. So I observed the shadow for a bit longer trying to find out what it was attached to my back. Hopelessly I gave up, suddenly I felt something heavy tug at my back, I slowly turned my head to come to see a pair of large black wings beginning to flutter and......


My eyes flashed open. I turned my head to my phone blasting an alarm for me to awake for school. "This damn phone," I cursed under my breath as I got up and reached out to slide my thumb across the screen to shut the damned thing off. I didn't bother to see if I had any messages, I already knew it would just be a punch of notifications from my friends on snapchat sending me their good morning streaks. I tossed my phone beside me on the bed and rubbed my face to try and wake myself up. It didn't help much, so I decided to take a shower instead. I threw the covers off me and hopped out of the bed and walked my way out of my room and across the hall into my bathroom, well my eight year old brother's and I bathroom.

I pulled my hair out of my terribly messy bun, and stripped out of my basket ball shorts and tank-top. While turning on the water in the shower and waiting for it to warm to the perfect temperature, I grabbed a hair brush in the cabinet behind the mirror to try and get through these tangles so I wouldn't have much of a hassle to wash in the shower. Once I've completed that I put my brush back where I found it and continue my way into the shower.

While finishing washing my dark black hair that reaches my hips I reach for the soap bar to begin to scrub my back, but I pull my hand back whincing in pain when I touched my back, feeling a sharp sting. What hell was that? Did I viciously scratch my back last night or something? I probably did, but whatever. I just continue showering and washing my soft olive skin. Once I finish I turn off the water and reach for a towel outside on the hanger near the shower. I dried everything trying to be careful with my back, I'm not trying to feel that pain again. I went into the mirror which was now all fogged up from my hot shower. I reached my hand out and wiped the mirror to get a clear image of myself. I look at my dark brown eyes then turned around to see what my back looked like. I gasped. It was unusually red. What the hell could've caused this? How am I supposed to cover this up without feeling any pain? Oh wait I think I have some aloe in the cabinet. I opened the cabinet and luckily I did indeed have aloe. I grabbed some and rubbed it all over my back feeling an amazing cooling sensation and letting out an "ahhhhh" while doing so. I placed the aloe back and returned to my room to quickly get ready for school. I found a pair of leggings that stopped a little below my knee, a pair of my black running nike sneakers and some t-shirt I'm pretty sure is clean, I mean it smells okay so I guess it's clean. I grab some lingerie and a sports bra and quickly put on my clothing . Later I began braiding my hair into two dutch braids. I wasn't feeling like dealing with my hair today or looking nice so I'll just go looking sporty. I went into my closet and grabbed my school bag tossed it near my room door, and started making my bed. When I placed the last pillow on my bed I ran downstairs into the kitchen where no one was to be found. It's 6:40 in the morning anyways I don't expect anyone to be up. I make my self a bowl of cereal, of course my favorite kind, Cocoa Krispies. And chugged that thing down like no tomorrow. I placed my bowl in the sink and ran out the door to catch my bus. My bus comes at 6:50 but I'm usually late anyways so the bus lady always waits a couple of minutes for me. She's really sweet I should probably find out her name.

Of  course as usual when I arrive at the bus stop the bus is there waiting for me. I hop on and say my good morning and smile at the driver then walk to the back of the bus where I sit next to my cousin Aiden. We may be cousins but sometimes people mistake us for brother and sister but that's normal because we basically have the same skin and hair color. Except of course his hair is much shorter than mine. He has light brown eyes though. He's only a grade above me too, I'm a junior and he's a senior. But we still go with it when people call us brother and sister because we basically act like it anyways.

"Hola chica" he says while placing his arm around my shoulders. I look up at him "someone's in a good mood." He grinned and look forward, although I have no clue what he was staring at since the school bus seat was covering any chance of having a view ahead of us. "What you doing for your birthday tomorrow?" I sighed at the sound of my birthday tomorrow, I honestly didn't want to do anything but with the friends I have they'll throw me a party anyways. "Nothing besides attending my surprise birthday party, what about you," I said with a smirk plastered on my face looking up at him. He quickly removed his arm from my shoulders and stared me dead in the eyes.

"How the hell did you know about that?!" He looked completely dumbfounded, I couldn't help myself from laughing and uttering the words "you just told me!" He glared at me and began to join my laughter, "alright alright at least look surprised when it happens okay? I don't want Ashley and Sam mad at me!" Ashley and Sam are my two bestfriends we've been close since kindergarten. I nodded at Aiden and got ready to get off the bus since we've already arrived at WestBridge High School.

Walking through the main entrance the first thing I hear is a loud screech and I looked around to see if there was a dying cat, but instead it just ended up being my friends Ash and Sam screaming while running to me and giving me a massive bear hug.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG BOOTY HOE!" they both said or more like yelled in unison. "Ssssssh please keep it on the down low please, I don't what people knowing it's my birthday," I said looking around making sure no one was watching. Sam rolled her eyes and scoffed. "So are we getting to class or we're just standing around for the rest of the day," Aiden butted in. I got a bit startled I forgot he was near me. I rolled my eyes and just started walking towards my class with everyone else following. But Aiden went his separate way since he's a senior and we're juniors. We walked to first period which was math. I walked over to my regular seat and as usual Ash and Sam sat beside me. I took off my backpack and leaned back on the seat before jumping up in pain. Both Sam and Ash gave me concerned looks but I gave them reassuring smiles, and the rest of my day went on as usual, teachers blabbing on about something I just don't give a flying blue berry muffin about.

After school I decided to walk home it was a 30 minute walk but for some reason I just needed to take a long walk to clear my head. For the past week I've been having this same exact dream every night, causing for me to have a restless sleep. So lately I've been a bit tired but yet my mind has been clouded witht thoughts. Why does this dream keep coming back to me? Does it mean something? If so, is it important? Or am I just reading way to many fiction books? I'm going crazy, yup thats it. I'm crazy, this is how it starts isn't it? The crazy hallucinative dreams. I shook my head trying to get the craziness out of my head. Then I stoped dead in my tracks. I felt a pair of eyes on me, so I started to look around, but I couldn't see anyone anywhere near me. So I decided to start walking again but in a faster pace because I still felt a pair of eyes on me. Soon I heard footsteps and a flapping sound like a birds wings would make, and I began sprinting home. To my surprise I made it home in about ten minutes. I guess the adrenaline helped me a lot. I ran into my house and locked the door just in case. I turned around to see my dad standing in the hallway looking extremely concerned.

"Honey are you alright?" He said trying to look over my shoulder. I don't know what he's trying to look at though the doors already closed. "Yeah I'm fine dad, just tired I'm going to go up into my room and do some homework then go to bed I'm really tired right now," I said walking past him and up the stairs.

"Alright sweetie goodnight!"

"Goodnight" I yelled back before walking into my room and closing the door. I went into my closet and got a pair of basket ball shorts and stripped out of my clothing then put on my shorts. I snuggled into my bed in began drifting into a deep sleep. Yeah I may or may not have lied about doing my homework first but what can I say, it's Friday! And with that being said I fell into a deep dark sleep, and yet another night I had that same exact dream.

~Hey thinks for who ever is reading! Please comment I love listening to any feedback and like this book! I'm going to try and update as soon as posible! :)

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