chapter 1. [EDITED]

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Lightning illuminated the sky with a roar, rain pouring down . The car drove deeper into the foggy woods , the rain turning the ground into a lake . If you looked close enough you could see abstract shapes with ear piercing howls and cries . As if monsters lurked around waiting for the right moment to attack . The wind blew away the dead leaves with a screech, like it was in pain.
The young beauty sitting in the back seat glanced out the window .
"Been a while since I was here"
She spoke in her smooth charming voice .
As the car came to a stop the driver opened the door for her holding an umbrella . She carefully stepped out and walked towards the huge castle . Making splashing sounds under her feet as she walked . Taking a look around she smiled and looked outside the blurry window . Her blurry reflection staring back at her . The window was tall and covered in dirt and grime and old blood.
"I'm home~"
She sang happily with a ting of laughter , raising her arms up as Another thunder cracked .


Geisterstadt , a city filled with mysteries . Where people are paranoid , always looking behind them to see if there is a monster following them .
Where mysterious disappearances happen pretty often .
Where at night you can hear howls and cries .

Law sighed looking up from his phone . No way what he just read was true , right ? After all he was going to live there .
'Now arriving at Geisterstadt station , please step off on this station if this is your stop. The doors will close in the next five minutes .'
The speakers announced .
" Hm ?looks like I have arrived"
Law hummed to himself getting up , grabbing his backpack and luggage which was one medium suitcase and a barrel bag that sat lazily upon the suitcase, and a backpack on his back.
Stepping off the train he let out a sigh . It was rather crowded and lively. He started walking towards the exit .

The city was colorful and rattling . People chatting and laughing while some were dancing to the music playing from a local band.
'Nothing like what I read . I knew yahoo answers are bullshit'
He thought trying to reassure himself and walked his way through the crowd .
'Now lets see... where was I supposed to go again ?'
He wondered looking at the paper with the awful handwriting .
Someone yelled at him from inside a car as the car sped past him . He looked at the direction of the car then back at his paper again .

" Need help ?"
A voice from behind him asked .
" Yes I'm looking for--"
He stopped as he turned around facing the woman behind him .
She was wearing a flashy dress which showed way more than needed , heavy makeup that creeped law out , high heels and her hair was done in a weird way and she looked pale and lifeless somehow . She was like a clown that would stab you in the neck if you didn't laugh at her pitiable jokes.
"Uh... never mind"
He spoke as he took a step backwards, ready to run for it.
" Oh come on baby I'll give you a good time~"
She purred and walked towards him
" Not intrested"
He said and walked away quickly, looking over his shoulder a few times to make sure she is not following him.

The rest of the day he kept asking directions or being ignored by people. This city was like a maze. Like the streets twisted and changed and everything laughed at you as you got lost and further captivated by the cities twisted game.

It was almost dark now and he still hadn't found the place he was supposed to stay . Sighing he sat on his luggage looking at the people pass by . The air was thick and suffocating and everyone seemed in a rush to get where they were supposed to . Like there was something in the dark that chased them away. He got up and started walking again .

" This is strange , just a minute ago it was crowded but look at it now..."
Law hummed to himself following the directions written on the paper and he found himself in a dark creepy area , again. The surface of the town was shimmering and beautiful but once you looked deeper into it it was absolutely terrifying.
'Im sure I followed the right direction. ..'
He thought .
" Who are you and why are you here ?"
Someone spoke . Law turned around meeting shining (e.c) eyes . As if they were burning holes into his soul
" I'm looking for this address"
He said handing the girl the paper .

You read the paper and sighed .
" Im sorry my friend but you've came the opposite way ."
You said . He sighed .
" I've been asking for directions all day and this is where I end up ."
Law said .
" Thought so... im sorry but the people you asked directions from were luring you to a trap . This is a big place you should be careful , new guy"
You smiled .
" Its Law , my name is Trafalgar Law"
"Nice to meet you law , im ____ , actually the place you're looking for is close to where im going . I'll help you ."
You suggested and he muttered a thank you . Turning around you started walking and he caught up to you .
" So , you new here ?"
"Yes , I got off the train a few hours ago ."
"Why would you choose to live here of all places ?! This is a dangerous place"
You asked .
" I didnt had any other choice the police sent me here ."
He replied with a monotone tone . You stopped pushing his buttons .
" Anyways you should be careful around here . Or else you'd be dead before you know it"
"So the stories and rumors I heard are true ?"
He asked and you paused looking at him . Studying his face .
" Depends on what you heard . But what you heard is probably true . This town is the creepiest place ."
You said and started walking again . He couldn't help but notice how sparkling and shiny your eyes were .
" So how can I survive ?"
Law asked half curiously half sarcastically .
" Hmm... dont go to dark or abandoned places , dont wander around and look like a new guy in town , dont follow people around , dont be out late when it's dark"
You counted with your fingers .
" I see... so am I doing wrong by following you ?"
He asked . You looked at him blankly .
" You do realize if I wanted to kill you I'd just stab you when you looked like a little lost lamb, right ?"
You asked seriously . He chuckled .
" Fine lets go"
He said as you two kept walking . The rest of the walk you had some small talk .
"See that street ? Go there and take the first left . You should be fine ."
You explained .
" Thank you for helping me out"
He said bowing a bit . You shook your head .
" Its fine , have a nice stay!"
You said and walked off .

" Aawww don't you have a nice heart~"
The green haired mocked sitting on top of a building .
"Shut up marimo what would you know ?"
The blonde growled . Those two were like day and night , fire and ice . Always thinking the exact opposite . Their short tempers and monstrous strength only making the matter worse .
" Dont fight ! I just pitied him . Poor guy was lost and was being lured in a trap . I'll teach those guys a lesson later . Now lets go for a hunt~"
You cheered .
" Yohohoho! You seem pumped !"
The lively skeleton said . swinging his walking cane.
"Its just he smelled so nice I had to bite myself to hold back"
You hummed.
" Lets go then !"
The raven haired boy cheered jumping on a building as you all followed after him . He was so cheerful and childish .

Welcome to Geisterstadt ;
This is a town where monsters live among humans .

Welcome to Geisterstadt~
If you wanna survive you gotta lay low.
Make sure at nights you close the window .
You cant even trust your own shadow .
You just have to go with the flow .
When death knocks on your door you gotta say hello .
But first make sure you give us a good show.~

Welcome to Geisterstadt~
Węřę ąłł mąđ hęřę ♥


Well here's the first chapter , rewritten and edited . I hope you enjoy this story .

Donquixote_Joker 🃏

Smiles, Donquixote_Joker 🃏

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