Window of Hope

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We've been talking to each other for about a month now, and Selena just seems so perfect, she's really sweet, she's creative, funny, energetic and independent but when I'm around she depends on me.

*Hell yeah xD, I like being around this girl so much, she's all I can think of*

A few days later our home room teacher announced that a new student had been removed from another group and added to ours, her name was Sabrina and she has a really obnoxious attitude.

*She wntsto be the queen of of the class so bad, I kinda felt bad for her honestly *

That same day I was walking to my trigonometry class on the 4rth floor, on the way I found Selena, she said she was waiting for me and that made me feel really happy inside.

*with all the zoo in my stomach *

Sadly, Sabrina was there too and she was getting way too close, before I could even react she wrapped her arms around my shoulder like if she'd own me and pulled me away form Selena. I was so pissed I yelled at her to let me go, but she kept on ranting about how she needed my help since I was her "friend".

*woah, hold on a sec. Go back to what she said, I'm her "friend"? She must have lost a few screws coming up those stairs if she thinks I'm here friend*

Me: would you cut it out.

Cut what out? :Sabrina

Me: dragging me around like im some doll.

Well I don't think I can do
that. :Sabrina

Me: of course you can, look at how easy it can be (releases her grip) see wasn't that hard was it?

Thats no way to treat a woman , honestly rightnow I just want her away from you. You know I want you all..... to myself right? :Sabrina

Me: I'm not interested in you, confess to me all you want, but my heart belongs to her.

So your official? : Sabrina

Me: no.. ,but... I'm waiting for the right moment.

Your wasting your time on her, you can have me now. What do you say cutie? :Sabrina

Me: sorry I said I wasn't interested. Go find some other poor sap to fall for your bullshit. (Turns around and meets up with Selena, apologeticly continues to class)

..............oh you'll be mine, just watch: Sabrina

*well guys part two is a go, part three will be out too shortly. Enjoy xP*

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