Truth in our Lies

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When i walked through the lobby i saw that Selena quickly stood up to say high, but I snatched her and ran in one of her classrooms on the first floor to get away from Sabrina.

Sabrina didn't find me luckily her mom came early to pick her up.( I'm home free,finally) Selena had friends outside so I didn't want to keep her waiting, she had a look on her face that said she wanted to tell me something important. I asked
L- "whats up?"

"Its been hard without you.." -S

L- "What do you mean?"

"About when we broke up.." -S

L- "Oh you mean that?, well you did say it was much easier if we'd break up sooner than later. I'd expect you were ready for it."

"I was wrong for doing t-" -S

L- "No!, you were wrong for not listening to your heart, and listening to your jealous Bff"

"I know but ever since we did break up, they told me about when you cried and made me feel bad and I've felt worse seeing your not around" -S

L- "I had to put up with your Bff, Cuz you wouldn't listen to anyone but her, I asked for a second chance and you turned me down. Ill ask you one last time and look me in the eyes when I say it."

"Okay" -S

L- "Will you commit to staying with me from now on?"

"I um, don't know.." -S

L- "I've promised you since last year that I would never abandon you unless you wanted to and to look after you at all times, when have I ever broken that promise?"

"You didn't, but I never told you to go away." -S

L- "Your so called Bff told me you did."

"She told me you were mad and didn't want to talk to me" -S

L- "Look at me now, am I mad at you? I've longed to talk to you without your friend being around, do you see now how she doesn't want us together?"

"I think I do, but there's something else. I never really wanted us to break up in the first place" -S


With no doubt I didn't get over her and as she explained to me how she truly felt, I walked up closer holding her hands as she grew red in an instant. Stared into her eyes as I caressed her cheek and said " I love you and I always had" sealing it with a knee weakening, heart pound kiss.

* I believe I've seen all the stars that day*

SIDENOTE * I sorry you guys for updating the story late, I had a sort of rough weekend and didn't really get a chance to write anything. Ill be sure to be more consecutive from here on, I hope I'm not letting you down.*

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