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3rd Person POV

Knock Knock Knock

"Callie sweetie, can you please get the door?" Stef said before taking another bite of her cereal.

"Sure." She said before getting up and making her way to the door, she opened the door and there stood Bill, Callie's old Social Worker.

"Hi Callie, is Stef and Lena here?" He asked, looking kinda frantic.

"Uhm yeah," Callie said noticing his hands shaking slightly. "Mama, Mom! Bill is here!" Callie yelled and the two mothers of the house came rushing in.

"Oh hi Bill, is there something we could help you with?" Lena asked, a bit shocked seeing him there.

"Hey you guys, yesterday I got a call and I had to pull this really good kid out of a really bad foster home, it was in the middle of the night and I didn't have anywhere to put him quickly so I had to send him to Juvie for the night." Both Stef and Lena were obviously shocked by the story so far and had a clue to where it was going. "I tried to send him to four different foster homes in the past hour and they all said they couldn't take him in, so I was wondering-"

"Bill we are very sympathetic, trust me, but we just, we can't take anym-" Stef was interrupted by Bill before she could finish her sentence.

"Stef, Lena please. If you guys can't take him in for a little while, i'll have to take him to a group home and once there he'll be set under the high risk category and you know those kids never get adopted."

"Yeah we do know." Stef said looking down contemplating the big decision, she then looked up at Lena.

"Why was  he kicked out of his last foster home?" Lena asked Bill.

"He wasn't really kicked out, more so rescued, but his foster brother was drunk and high, and he wanted to watch something on t.v but he was watching it, his foster brother got violent and started beating him...badly. He was able to get up and run, he grabbed the phone and dialed 911 while he locked himself in the bathroom. The police get there and they discover that almost everyone in the house were drug dealers, they found him curled up in the bathroom crying with bruises all down his neck. So they quickly called me to pull him out of the house." Bill said, explaining the whole story to the two now broken hearted mothers.

"Oh my god." Stef said barely over a whisper and Lena looked at Bills car all the way in the drive-way, she could see the silhouette of a teenage boy in the backseat with his head down

"We'll keep him for you." Lena said looking back at Bill and his face lit up.

"Great, thank you guys so much." He said before running back to his car and talking to the kid in the backseat for a minute.

"I can't believe we're doing this again." Stef sad while tuning to Lena and Lena just sighed.

"You heard his story, this kid has been through so much, just like Callie." Stef was about to respond but Bill came back with the 16 year old looking teenager.

"Stef, Lena this is Clint Jonah. Clint this is Stef and Lena." He smiled slightly at the two women. "If you need anything call me. Thank you again." Bill said

"Of course." Lena said before closing the door behind him.

"Kids, can you come here real quick?" Stef yelled and Clint looked up quickly.

"You have more kids?" Clint said looking a bit worried.

"Oh Clint honey you have nothing to worry about, they're not like the kids from your old foster homes." He nodded slightly and all the kids except Mariana walked in.

"Where's Marina?" Stef said looking around.

"She had to go to school early for some play thing." Jesus said, none of them noticing Clint who has now retreated to the corner now.

"Well okay then, uhm we have an announcement to make." They all payed attention to the two moms standing n the center of the room. "We are fostering new kid." Lena stretched her arm towards Clint motioning him to come next to her and he slowly made his way next to the moms.

"Guys this is Clint, Clint this is Jesus, Brandon, Jude, Callie and you'll meet Mariana later." He nodded and they all disbanded.

"Is there a bathroom around somewhere? I haven't showered since last night." Clint said the last part slowly, remembering the night before,it made Stef and Lena's heart clench and they both directed him to the bathroom.

"Yeah uhm, go upstairs head straight and it's the second door on the left." Stef said and he smiled slightly.

"Thank you."
~10 Minutes Later~

Clint was currently in the bathroom, the shower was running but He wasn't in it yet, he was just looking at himself in the mirror. He took his shirt off and looked all down his chest. There were purple, red, black and blue marks all over his chest, and he wouldn't have been surprised if there were more, he started to silently cry. He couldn't hold it in any longer and it just all came out at once. He stepped in the shower with tears still falling down his face and started scrubbing, harder and harder trying to somehow scrub away the bruises but he can't he cries even more at the thought of him having to see them everyday.
I really hope you guys like it, this is going to be like my first fanfiction with a serious sub-plot so if I mess something up please don't like hate on me in the comments and I swear everything will be okay but i'll see you guys soon again with a brand new chapter bye loves!


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