No Hope

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~Later That Day (like 6 pm) in 3rd POV~

"Hey Clint, do you think I could pull off purple hair?" Mariana said walking downstairs seeing Clint sitting on the couch reading. He looked up and half smiled.

"I'm sure you'd be able to, but I don't think you should change your hair." He said and Mariana just shrugged and plopped next to him.

"Whatcha' readin'?" She asked.

"Harry Potter, It's really good!" He said and she just nodded.

"You read a lot, wanna watch a movie?" She said getting up going over to the t.v. "There's Titanic, The Fault in Our Stars, Finding Nemo, Hairspray both new and old versions, and Pitch Perfect both of them. So which one do you want to watch?" Clint stared at the movies for a long while.

"How about Titanic, I could use a pretty long distraction." He said and Mariana just gave a small pity smile and put it in.

~2 Hours Later~

"I think I'm gonna go back to reading my book," Clint said, interrupting a scene in the movie and Mariana sat up from her laying down position.

"What?! No! The iceberg just hit, there's still so much left." She said/whined.

"Sorry, I just prefer reading." He said while grabbing the harry potter book.

"Fine. At least stay right here and read while I'm watching it?" He nodded and they both laughed and continued doing their individual things.

~1 Hour Later~

"I got it!" Mariana yelled as she walked over to the door after hearing several knocks from the other side. Clint stayed put, having finished Harry Potter, he was now onto Hamlet.

"Oh hi Bill, let me get my parents." Clint heard this from where he was sitting and quickly put the book down and made his way over to the door.

"Well, Hello again Bill, what can we do you for?" Lean asked nicely.

"Well, I have some news." He stated and looked over at Clint.

"And what might that news be?" Clint asked with one eyebrow up.

"Clint, I'm so sorry, I tried I really did." Bill started.

"Bill, spit it out!" Clint said, growing impatient.

"This was your last stop. I have been searching for hours, every active foster home are just not willing to take a teenager." Bill said sadly.

"What does this mean for him?" Stef asked.

"Well I could look for him something out of the state, that's usually our last go to because then the kid would get a new social worker and be somewhere different, it's usually just not our number 1," Bill stated.

"Bill please can you try that. I don't want to go back to Juvie." Clint pleaded, his eyes starting to water.

"Clint, the whole process of putting your file in a different state could take weeks, and let's not forget, you still will need to find you a foster home when your file gets there. The whole thing could take up to three months." Bill stated and Clint turned around and put his face in his hands.

"I'd have to put you in a group home while this is all happening. And because you weren't able to stay in one house for very long, you'd be put under the High-Risk category." Bill finished and Clint quickly turned back to face him.

"Those kids never get adopted! They barely are even able to find a foster home!" He stated with tears running down his face. "Oh my goodness, this is just so messed up." He quickly walked to the kitchen, not wanting them to see him fully breakdown.

"Bill, I think you should give him some time to calm down," Lena stated while turning towards Bill and he nodded

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"Bill, I think you should give him some time to calm down," Lena stated while turning towards Bill and he nodded.

"I'll be back in an hour to get him." He said and they nodded. Mariana came out from behind the wall and looked at them.

"You can't let that happen to him." Mariana said slowly.

"Mariana, please this has not-"

"Don't use that as an excuse to not help him! You helped Callie and Jude but why not Clint?" Mariana protested.

"We don't have room, Mariana!" Stef argued back.

"Well make room! You made Jesus give up half his room for Jude, and you made me give up half my room for Callie. Have Brandon give up half of his room for Clint." Mariana was now full on arguing with her parents, determined to help Clint.

"I can't handle this right now Mariana, go to your room." Mariana groaned and went upstairs to her room. Stef and Lena walked to the kitchen where Clint currently was sitting with his head down. His back was going up and down in a raggedy movement which implied his breathing was really shaky.

"Clint, Sweetie?" Lena called out and he quickly sat up.

"I'm-i'm so sorry I-I p-put on a scene b-back there! I j-just couldn't handle it and I'm... I'm so sorry." He started to break down again and Lena quickly went over to embrace him.

Clint went stiff as soon as Lena had hugged him, but after a minute he relaxed and his crying finally stopped.

"Thank you for that." Clint said after Lena had let go fo him. "I guess, it just really hit me that I'm never going to get adopted. I mean I always said that and I always believed it but I guess there was a small fragment of hope that I would. But it's gone now."


"Can I just be alone please?" Clint said, interrupting what Stef was about to say.

"Yeah of course sweetie." Lena said and pulled Stef out of the room. But before they fully exited the room they heard something that broke their hearts.

"Why doesn't anyone want me?" Clint had whispered to himself.

"What did I do to make the world hate me?"


AWE MY BABY CLINT IS SO SAD IT MAKES ME SAD!!!!! I hope you guys enjoyed it, have a nice day!! Bye!!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2017 ⏰

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