Meeting Mariana

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BT dubs this chapter will change POV's varying from 3rd person to Clint but it will start of 3rd persons so just to let you know. (P.S That's a picture of Clint Jonah right up there ^ because I forgot to describe what he looked like.)


Clint walked down the steps of the large home slowly, he made his way slowly from the steps to the kitchen where Stef was currently sitting, she decided to take today as her day off for the week due to the surprise 'visit'.

"Where did everyone go?" Clint said in a soft-whisper voice that he accumulated over time.

"Uhm school, yeah, Lena is the vice principle at Anchor Beach High School where all the kids go." Stef said and Clint just nodded and stood there awkwardly and rubbed his left shoulder with his right hand, it was kind of his comfort signal.

"So, Clint, I know that you have been in a lot of bad houses in the past but I just want you to know that we're really happy that we're helping you to pave the way to finding you a forever home." Stef said and Clint only smiled, he knew that she was just trying to comfort him, he knew he would never find a forever home, he knew he was just someone who could easily be replaced. "Actually, our daughter Callie and her biological little brother Jude were both in the system like you and uhm they had almost the same experience as you did growing up."

"She's one of the lucky ones I guess, that doesn't happen for all of us." Clint said looking down at the table after he took a seat. He looked up and seen Stef staring at him, with a sympathetic look in her eyes. "Listen I know that you think that someday I might find my forever home and have a family that cares for me and that everything will be solved. But to kids and people like me in the Foster System that's like wishing for your life to be like the perfect Cinderella story but the fact is that it's just a fairy tale to some of us. I know that I'll never get adopted and I'll be in the system until I'm eighteen and then I'll just be dropped out of the system and into the streets."

"Honey, I promise you that one day you will find a family that does love you and would love to take you in as one of their own," Clint only sighed and looked away from her and she decided to pull out the speech she gave Callie a year ago, but just a little different. "Clint, sweetie, you have a purpose in this world, you're not just a waste of space that would be better off gone in this world. I know right now it may seem like nothing good is ever going to happen to you but trust me, out of all the darkness in your life there will be a light there to guide you through it all and one day you're going to find yourself surrounded by love and compassion in people that you would have never thought you would." Clint sat there and looked up at her, his eyes were starting to turn red and there were single tears going down his face.

"W-wow, you really had me going for a minute there." He chuckled sadly. "Like I said, it's just a fairy tale for people like me." Stef was about to say something else but Clint just walked off into the living room. He seen a book shelf and made his way towards it and looked through it to see if anything interesting was in there. He stopped at Moby Dick, all his life he was fawn of reading, he loved the idea of stepping into a completely different world that wasn't his own.

"Mom, Momma told me you were here and I just had to come back to get some props for the Play" Mariana said as she walked into the house, when she seen Clint sitting on the couch reading she stopped and looked for a minute and then quickly rushed into the kitchen.

"Hey hon, what's up? Why aren't you at school?" Stef said as she looked up from her paper.

"Mom, there is a random boy in the living room, call the police or something." Mariana said in a whisper yell rushed tone and Stef just laughed.

"Honey, that's the new kid we're fostering for a little while." Mariana sat down and looked at her confused.

"But after Callie was officially adopted you guys said you were going to cancel your foster licence because we didn't have anymore room." Stef only nodded.

"Well sweetie, we got busy, the whole drama with AJ and him running away with his brother kinda put a hault on that and we just got too busy to officially terminate them so as of right now, we're still on the list as an active and available foster family." Mariana nodded and got up from the chair next to Stef.

"Well he doesn't seem like he's going to be much of a trouble maker, he's just in there reading." Stef chuckled semi-loudly at that.

"Really? What book?" Stef asked with an amused smile still planted on her face.

"It was at quick glance but i'm pretty sure it was Moby Dick?" Mariana said with a questionable face at her own statement.

"We haven't touched that bookshelf since the first day we got you and Jesus, imagine how dusty that thing is." Both Mariana and Stef laughed. "Hey why don't you go introduce yourself to him, he already kinda met the rest of the family." Mariana nodded and made her way to the living room.

~Clint's POV~ (Yay)

I sat there reading away like I always did, after that girl came in, i'm guessing she's Mariana, the one who's working on the play. They must go to a really laid back school if they're able to go all the way home during a class period, or maybe it's just an elective hour, either way it's pretty cool. I continued reading and I finally got to chapter 35, even though I haven't been reading for a very long time, I think it's like a hidden talent or something, either way I don't really care.

'In most American whalemen the mast-heads are manned almost simultaneously with the vessel's leaving her port; even though she may have fifteen thousand miles, and more, to sail ere reaching her proper cruising ground. And if, after a three, four, or five years' voyage she is drawing nigh home with anything empty in her-'

"Hey!" I looked up from the book and seen the same girl from not too long ago that just stopped and stared for a minute, Mariana I think. "Uhm, i'm Mariana, sorry I wasn't here to meet you with the rest of the family, I had this-"

"Play thing, yeah I know." I interrupted her with a small smile and she smiled and sat next to me and I put the book on the other side of me on the couch. "I'm Clinton, but most people call me Clint." She smiled.

"Well Clint, it was nice to meet you but now I have to go, my elective hour is almost up and if I'm not back before it ends then they mark me as skipping." She put her hand on my should kinda as a support to stand up and I winced softly due to one of the bruises I got being right there.

"Oh my god i'm so sorry!" She said, worry and guilt evident on her face and I quickly stood up.

"No no it's not your fault, you didn't know. It was just a mistake and it's okay." She looked up and smiled slightly.

"I should get going, my 3rd period is almost up." I nodded in understanding and she took off, I sat down and picked up the book again and I continued onto my reading.



Hey yall, so how'd you like it? I know it wasn't the most interesting chapter ever but it's the start of this book so the drama has to come later, i'd say by like the fifth chapter things would be getting more interesting and dramatically good so just make sure to stick with it. Anyways I ask that you guys vote because I would really appreciate it and I also ask that you guys COMMENT!! I love reading and replying to comments it's like the best thing ever! anyways until next time, I love you guys! <3 bye!


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