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Hey Guys welcome back for Chapter 3! In this chapter i'm going to show a little bit more of the talented happy/sad side of Clint, anyways! Enjoy the chapter and don't play the song until I say! and look at that cute pic of 'Clint' playing the piano! Okay enjoy!

~3rd persons POV~

Clint put the book back in the book shelf in the exact spot it was in and started looking around the house some more. He noticed that it was only 10:00 am so he guessed that the other kids wouldn't be back for a while. He made his way back upstairs and started looking around the rooms some. He wasn't taking anything or trying to hide anything, he just wanted to see. He wanted to see what it was like to have a home for so long that they would decorate it.

He made it through all the rooms, finding a convenient bathroom connecting to one of the smaller rooms and the hallway. He went to the last room and seen a piano inside of it and his eyes lightened up. He always knew how to play, his dad taught him up until he was six, he started on his way to the piano and when he stood in front of it he just stared at it.

~Clint's POV~

I walked up to the nice looking piano and stared at it, memories from the age of six and earlier flooding into my head. I know it's weird that I can remember stuff from all the way back then but hey, that's me. I sat down on the little stool in front of the piano and opened the cover. My fingers slightly touched the keys as I felt around them. I hit one key and a memory instantly flashed into my eyes.


"No buddy, that's the wrong key." My dad said to me while smiling after I hit the wrong key on the piano. "Here let me show you." I scooted over on the stool to make room for him and he started playing the medium speed song on the piano.

"I wish I was as good as you papa!' I said as I leaned on his arm and he laughed.

"You will be one day buddy, with more practice you'll be just as good, better even." I smiled widely and my eyes brightened.

"You really think so??" I ask excitedly and he stops playing and smiles.

"Yes I do, but right now you just worry about being an amazing 6 year old boy." He smiled and I smiled back at him. His phone rang and he answered it. After talking for a couple of minutes he hung up and walked back over to me.

"I gotta go buddy, works calling." I just shrugged my shoulders and smiled.

"It's okay! You're builder, I can't wait to be just like you when I grow up." He smiled and laughed.

"You will be one day buddy. I'm going to call the babysitter." I nodded and he left the room.

~30 minutes later~

I was siting at the piano, practicing the song that me and pap were working on earlier when someone knocked at the door. Mrs. Godsmen, my babysitter, got up and answered the door. I walked behind her and she opened the door. There stood a police officer and he started talking to Mrs. Godmen. She suddenly started crying, just right in front of the officer after he said I never thought i'd hear.

"Mr. Jonah is dead ma'am."

~End of flashback~

I shook my head at the memory and looked back down at the keys on the piano. My fingers started to dance around the keys, creating a melody that I had learned a couple of years ago and started to sing to it.

~(Play song now please)~

If I die young, bury me in satin
Lay me down on a bed of roses
Sink me in a river at dawn
Send me away with the words of a love song

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