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"You really thought you would be able to outrun me. I'd have to find you gone at some point." He have a evil smile an started pulling her back into the woods. Lani couldn't go back there again, she bit his hand, he pulled it away.

"What the fuck!" He covered his hand with the other. She starting running away as fast as she could, towards the school.

"Damn.." He sprinted after her. Up and into the school she ran. Down the halls teachers stating at her confused, then they started heading after her when get saw the man chasing, some went to the principle to get him.

"Stop, let her go, leave her alone!" Teachers screamed. But stopped to catch their breath once the two were out the door.

The man grabbed Lani's back and she fell to the ground on her back. The man punched her face as a year fell down Lani's face. She tugged on him and tried to get lose, she kicked him in the face and turned to get up. The man put his hand to his face, the man pulled her hair and she fell on her back again. He lifted her up by her hair. He stood face to face with her as tears flowed down her face.

"Now loo what you did. You cause a fucking scene! Now come on you little cunt!" He pushed her forward still gripping his by the hair. The teacher and students started pilling up by the doors and widows. Jack, who was on the second floor, went up to the window and saw Lani being carried away by the man.

"As fuck no!" He sprinted out the door, and down the steps then out the other door. She jumped onto the man pushing him to the ground and letting go of Lani. He stood and grabbed Lani's hand and they ran off to the woods.

"Don't... Don't you have to... to go back to school?" She huffed trying to catch her breath. He didn't say anything but just continued to run. Lani looked over at him still running. He's skin was so dark, and his hand so cold. His lack of hair made his green rare eyes stick out. His lips were so small. Lani wondered what it would be like to kiss him. To put her lips onto his, his small lips. He was shorter then her, by a few inches so he didn't crash his head on the branch that was coming up. Lani too focused on jack did and she fell to the ground unconscious.

"Oh no! Please don't." He looked back at the bushes that were shaking from the man searching in them. He grabbed Lani and put her over his shoulder with amazing strength. He walked quickly through the woods and found a place to hide, now he just had to wait for Lani to wake up so she can explain this big mess.

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