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It was a Friday night, obviously me and my Bestfriend are gonna party hard. I texted Erika about a party that was gonna go down at one of our friends house. She was down so I told her I would pick her up at 9 to leave. 9 came and this bitch was not ready, she lives right next to me so I went to her house and waited. Now rushing she got ready faster. I got a call from my mom saying that our families would be going on a trip to Sonora Mexico. Everything was normal and I was just so ready to leave the house to go to this party. Erika was finally ready and we left the house, around 10:30. Fashionably late you can say.  We got to the party and it was so lit. Everyone there knew us, but we knew no one. We stuck together for most of the night until Erika saw someone she hadn't seen in years. Her ex boyfriend Carlos.
This guy is a total ass, he broke up with her because "her boobs were too small" like bitch like you didn't know. He was cheating on her with 5 other girls.

Erika saw him talking to all these other girls while he knew she was there. He kept looking at her while talking to the other girls. He knew how to get in her head... I've never seen so much rage in Erika's eyes it was like a switch went off. I tried to stop her but there was nothing that could. She said nothing but walked over there and slapped the shit outta him with probably all of the strength her body had. She threw her cup full of tequila in face and walked away all badass. She ordered me to get my coat and out keys because we couldn't stay any longer. I didn't argue because a bitch would fuck me up if I did. We drove off home I took her home and made sure she was safe and in bed. I got home and texted my boyfriend Santiago to tell him everything was ok. After that I went to bed.
The next morning I was so hungover from the party. I needed a bath. I turned on the water and took off my clothes I was home alone so i didn't care. I put one of my legs in, the water was warm, then I got in. I needed to clear my mind and finally relax, the business had me stressed out. I played my music softly and turned on the candles. I put the lights low, I wanted to relax as much as I could. The soothing sounds of the running water along with the music made me calm. I sang along and closed my eyes for a while.
A discomforting sound filled the room. A phone was ringing. I quickly got out and dried myself vaguely, I checked my phone and there was nothing. But another phone kept ringing. There was only one other choice. I opened my drawer to where the phone my dad gave me was. There it was ringing. I didn't hesitate to answer.
"Veronica, they killed your family, they're dead"
"You're next. Run. Run as fast as you can. And don't stop running."
I hung up.
Next thing I did was to call Erika, if I had gotten this call it was certain she had as well. Poor Erika she already had a rough night, icing on the cake. I was in too much shock to cry. All I did was call her.
"Did you hear? I'm coming over right now, we need to go, get all the things you can fit In a luggage and all the money in your house."
"What are we gonna do?" Her voice shaking, you could tell she was crying.
"Everything's gonna be okay, we can figure it out, I just need you to listen to me. Understand?"
"I'll be over there quickly"
I put clothes on as quickly as I could and ran down stairs to fill a luggage with money. I put $10,000 a gun and a package of cocaine in my luggage. I walked to her house as calmly as I could, not trying to make a scene. I walked in and there she was waiting. Just standing there tears running down her face with her luggage in her hands.
"Are you ready Erika?"
She just nodded
"Give me the keys, let's go!"

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