Use what you have

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"Ready to go Erika?"
"Yeah hold up let me go pee."
I waited at the bar for Erika to go pee. I noticed that there was two guys staring at me. For some reason they seemed familiar. I'm good at remembering faces. But I couldn't think of where I had seen them. I ignored it and thought nothing of it.
Erika got out of the restroom and we were back on our way.
We got back on the freeway as the sun was setting.
I checked my rear view mirror. Shit.
Those guys from the dinner are following us.
"Erika, don't panic, but we're being followed."
"What?!!!! Are you serious?"
"That car look familiar?"
"Holy shit its the guys from the dinner!!"
I started laughing.
"You ready to be evil bitch?"
"You're bad."
"What b u down or what?"
"Fuck it. What you thinking?"
All we fucken had was a handgun and a shit ton of paper. Yes paper. As in a shit ton of blank white printer paper.
"I doubt we're gonna need this shit in the future."
"Fuck no!"
"Erika you gotta do what you gotta do!"
I handed her the paper in a stack.
"When I say so you're gonna throw it and I'm gonna shoot their tires. Got it?"
"Got it."
I slowed down a bit. To get a better shot.
"Go now!!!"
She let the stack go so gracefully and just started laughing.
"Hold the wheel real quick!"
I shot their two front tires. And speed the fuck outta there. vroom vroom.
I don't think I've ever laughed so hard. We felt like the baddest bitches. Anyways we got to the border and were way to tired to fucken keep going so just went to a nicer part of Tijuana and got a room in a hotel for the night.

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