Chapter One: Purebred Nerd

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Chapter One: Purebred Nerd

"Style is saying who you are without having to speak" -Rachel Zoe.

I once heard that how you look is how you people belive you behave in the public eye. For example, if you dress in short skirts, tight tops and high heels then in the public eye you behave like a slut and would probably be pregnant by 16. But if you dress in nun outfits then in the public eye you behave more innocently then the Pope when he's discussing drugs and would almost, undoubtedly die a virgin at the very grand age of 101 -weeks before your husband of 55 years passed away as well.

Does the promise-ring of virginity get buried with you or what? I'm being serious though, what would actually happen to it when you died?

The point is, either way you're judged and either way there's always going to be someone who hates you for what you're wearing.

So now I'm thinking, well going for the middle option between slut and nun would be the best option -what could possibly go wrong, right!? Hahahahahahaha, everything? Wearing jeans and a long sleeved top is basically the modern day version of a frigid girlfriend.

In simple, stay away from her if you want to get laid.

So don't dress like that and your problems are solved right? Unfortunately that's wrong again. No surprise there though, I seem to be getting a lot wrong at the moment that doesn't involve maths questions.

Point is I'm the nerd of the school and whether that's due to my perfect attendance rate, clothes, never-less-then-100% in tests or just my antisocial behaviour, I'm not sure. I think it's just a mixture of all four but to be honest, for once the right answer doesn't matter to me. Surprising? Yeah, I know right -I'm shocked too.

Now, I'm just interesting in solving the problem of my less-then-average social status and the only way I can see that happening is with a makeover so that's what I'm doing right now.

I'm sitting in a hairdresser while my ugly hazel brown hair is dyed a beautiful honey blonde while thinking how much my mum is going to kill me when I get home.

But that doesn't matter much right now, because I need a change.

A big change.


So that's the first chapter! Short I know, sorry!

Anyway please vote and comment -it would mean the world to me- and I'll put up the next chapter ASAP!! Hopefully you guys are interested and I already love Ace -even if you don't ehehhe- so yeaa, can't wait to write more!

Love you guys,


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