Chapter 2

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(NOTE FROM DE AUTHOR: mkay sorry i haven't been making the second chapter cuz i was to focused animating for my youtube and i wanted ta sleep sorry )

Sans P.O.V (still .-.)

I walk towards the room which was really quiet since Frisk was with Toriel helping with the dishes. I took of my coat and went to lay on the left bed. I couldn't sleep so much was on my mind...Then frisk walked in with her cute kitty pajamas Alphys gave her. I pretended to sleep i guess she didn't notice because she started talking to me. "So sans what'cha wanna do tomorrow" i didn't answer..she had went silent. "oh i guess your sleeping" i looked back to see her turned around sleeping. I smiled and lied down falling asleep.

Frisks P.O.V

It was pretty cold there was no window so i guessed it was just the house that was making me cold. I  looked at sans.. he sleeps so cutely it made me whisper aww. I got even more cold so i got up and went of to sans. His coat was next to him on the bed. Instead of taking it i decided i would sleep with sans. I lifted up the blanket and slept next to him. i was facing his back while i laid, he then turned around and put his arms around me. I could feel my face turning red. I guess he was half awake because i saw tinted blue on his cheek bone it made me smile and i laid my head on his chest.

                                                                             ~Next Day~ 

I woke up to sans gone it was 8 A.M a little to early for sans to be up. Suddenly i remembered we were at moms house. I had walked out and everyone was gone except of course mom. She was on her special chair which of course i was the only one allowed on it since i am her daughter, she was reading her snail book with her glasses on to help. She looks up, "My child your up early". I smiled and nodded. "Just thought i should spend a little time with my mother before i buy an house" mother looked down at her bottom paws.." You know the houses here are alot more money and hard to take care of here in the human world" "Yes i know mother but.." she stopped me in my sentence " My child you don't have to stay with me the whole time because you have other friends that will enjoy your stay.. but until you are out of college i don't want you to be worried about your bill if your not even living there" I nodded my head i understood everything i guess that that would be smart. "Now my child go get your clothes on and enjoy your time here with your friends ok?". "Yes mother" I gave her a hug and she kissed my head and i went to change into my regular clothes. We said our goodbyes and i left her house. Some part of me wished we were still in the underground but the other half is happy her friends finally get to be up were they belong. I walked a little while arriving in front of the skelebros house, I started walking until i heard someone making a weird joke and i turned around to sans. It scared me a little so i did a little squeak. "Woah kid no need you to run i'm no kitty". I glared at him " You scared me sans". "AWW bucko" he wrestled with my hair making it messy , i fixed it though. "So watcha want to do frisk."I shrugged.

Sans P.O.V

"How about we go to grillb's" I winked. She looked flustered and blushed a little aww so cute. " Uh sure." We are in the human world but grillby moved his shop up above so i was glad. he wasn't far but i didnt feel like walking so i told her to grab my jacket. She grabbed on and we were there. Everyone looked at frisk, i got kinda jealous so my eye turned blue, then everyone looked away. Frisk ran to the counter giving grillby a hi. " So what do ya want" he said. " Oh the usual" I said. He shook his head and got fries and a bottle of ketchup. We at in he booths and ate. Frisk told me what her mother said.." Oh that's fine you can come to my house" " REALLY " "Oh thank you sans " She said hugging me over the table. " Yea whatever kid" I said feeling myself blush. I cut it out sans why would a human even like...why am i even feeling this way grr i hate it!!! I must of said it out loud because frisk looked at me worried " Hate what sans?" I started to blush. "Oh its just i finished the bottle of ketchup i hate when i do that" I said sweating and blushing. She smiled " You'll survive i bet you have tons at the house come on lets go" Phew i dodged a bullet there... I paid grillbs and we left teleporting in the living room. She sat on the couch i sat next to her. She had turned on the tv to watch mtt cooking show... Yes now mettaton controls human television. Uh i hate him soooooo much!!! Must of said that out because Frisk glared at me. " Sans that's mean" " What the guys horrible and he flirts with my brother i would.." She stopped me in my sentence. "Sans everyone deserves mercy" " WELL DOES CHARA" I yelled i regretted saying that. A tear rolled down her face she was quiet for a second " Yes...Sans everyone has good in them she...she just hasn't shown it yet...." Everything went quiet. "Frisk i'm sorry i'm just a little irritated that's all.." I came over to hug her and she happily accepted and hugged me tightly. I didn't want to let go and i could see she didn't either finally we let go of each  other and watched tv. A couple minutes later he falls asleep and lays on the side of the couch i smile and start to fall asleep too. It was dark and cold i seen frisk in front of me but.. she wasn't moving. Bones were all inside her and she was very bloody. She had said something " S..sans I'm sorry its not me who's doing this"....I knew what was going since i've had this dream a couple times i came over and hugged her. " Of course its not " Then i woke up it was midnight frisk was still asleep on the couch so i decided to bring her up to my room. i laid her on my bed and put the covers on her. I laid on the floor with nothing but my jacket.

Frisks P.O.V

I woke up in sans bed while he slept on the floor i felt bad and also cold so i got up  and got a pillow and blanket he was deep in sleep so i put the pillow under his head and put the blanket on top of us both and i fell asleep next to him. Again he put his hand over me and i blushed a bit and fell asleep. I Couldn't believe i liked a skeleton but i did but how will i tell him..

FINALLY FINISHED over a thousand word next time ill try 2 thousand but for now hope you enjoy and tell me what you want in the next chapter see ya my lovely readers STAY AWESOME!!! :DDDDDDD

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