A Spark in a Creek

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A humming thrill filled my body- Serpentstar had visited my dreams last night! Coaching me, teaching me further the Warrior Code, lending me the knowledge of the Medicine Code, telling me of the various ceremonies, the different hunting and fighting moves, and so much more. A father that I never knew, a mentor in Silverpelt, that's what he was to me.

It would be soon- soon that Kinkfoot and I would leave for the Twoleg-place, gathering rogues, loners, and kittypets alike. But not to soon.... I still had time here; time in this land that wasn't my own, but I had come to know and love. In another life, perhaps I would come here- be born a ThunderClanner.

As I slipped from my nest, an excited shiver ran down my spine, as I remembered that Bearclaw was taking me to Fourtrees. I couldn't wait! Easing my way through the rough-edged entrance, I left the den, with Kinkfoot still snoring softly inside. It was time to meet up with my new friend again.


As we had arranged, I met up with Bearclaw at the ThunderClan and the Treecut Place border. From there, we padded quietly to the Gathering site. But part of the way there.... I was in for a surprise.

"Bearclaw! What're you doing?" Graystripe's voice rang out over Snakerocks, and I winced and ducked for cover in the thick foliage. Brown fur and tabby stripes bristling with surprise, Bearclaw whipped around to meet the gaze of her fellow warrior.

"Am I not allowed to walk Snakerocks? I can take an adder, Graystripe- you've seen me do it before, have you not?" She rolled her eyes, but the gray tom only snapped his tail. Mumbling under his breath he turned and walked away. A moment later, I could hear him curse as he tripped on a bramble, and I barely stifled a purr of laughter.

But without my notice, another scent had infiltrated the clearing, and it was too late- Fireheart had already seen me. His voice uncertain, he questioned us both.

"Who are you? You... You aren't from any Clan- I've never seen you among the rogues of this area either. But you smell," he stopped to taste the air, "familiar."

Turning to Bearclaw, he asked, "Why are you traveling with a nonClanner on our territory, Bearclaw? You know how the others are about rogues..." His voice trailed off, and I could see his gaze soften as he watched her. Muffling a laugh with my chest-fur, I stepped forward to introduce myself.

"Hello, Fireheart. I'm Creekclaw, a rogue who came from the Twoleg-place," dipping my head diplomatically, I greeted him with a blink. He shook his flame-wreathed head in confusion.

"How do you know my name? And you left from Twoleg-place... Have you come to join? I don't think some of the others would like that...," his gaze hardened again, and I knew he was thinking of either Tigerclaw, Longtail, Darkstripe, or Dustpelt. I didn't like them either, but I was only a hidden spectator.

"I've been watching your Clan for nigh on a moon, and I have learned many of your names. And no, I haven't come to join- I'd rather take my chances building a Clan than having be harassed by Tigerclaw and his cronies. Horrible cats!" I growled deep in my chest. He nodded in understanding, and I saw his eyes wander back to Bearclaw.

Interesting... Bearclaw, Spottedleaf, and possibly Sandstorm- Fireheart must have a hard time, with so many pretty and at least semi-likable she's around him constantly, I thought.

Shaking myself, I spoke aloud. "Bearclaw, can we keep going? I'm truly eager to see Fourtrees." She nodded and with a mew of farewell to Fireheart we headed off, but I knew he was following us. Truly, I didn't mind-he wouldn't cause any trouble.


Fourtrees was amazing- I loved it! The soaring oaks were so tempting, so tempting to climb. Yet I couldn't- I had not the skill to do so safely, nor the feeling that I was safe from the other Clans. After roaming around ThunderClan territory some more, I bade Bearclaw farewell and trotted off, and I saw Fireheart's bright fur shining through a bush, and I purred.

"Goodbye, Fireheart."

"Goodbye, Creekclaw," he mewed faintly. I was giddy- almost like a kit I suppose, who had discovered a wonderful game. 'Playing Clan is fun,' would be the thought process of a kit, and it was quite like mine at the moment in time.


After catching a vole and a shrew for Kinkfoot and I, I went back to the den under the cover of dusk. Kinkfoot was not inside. In fact, he was behind me, perched on the branch of a low hanging tree.

"Hello, Kinkfoot!" For some reason, he didn't seem as happy as I.

"Hello, Creekclaw. I smell Clan on your pelt... You've been with them all day, haven't you?" His eyes with slightly distant, seemingly frozen. A disappointed gleam...

"Yes... I have. Is there a problem?"

"Perhaps you should tell your traveling partner where you are going before you leave." The words were an emotionless growl, and I rushed to stop the lecture.

"I'm sincerely sorry for wandering off," I meowed, slightly sarcastically. Continuing, I said, "If I am to be a Clan leader, then I must make my own choices. Surely an independent cat like you knows this," I said, and he huffed a sigh. Sliding into the den, he gave a gruff 'goodnight' and we both fell once more into the peaceful clutches of sleep.

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