Silvery Encounter

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"What're you doing, Kinkfoot?" I yawned and stood up, watching my companion as he dug a hole. Dug a hole?

Walking forward, I saw that he was burying prey. "Oh." Kinkfoot turned around, green eyes giving off their typical determined glint.

"Well, we aren't going to have much time to hunt today or tomorrow." I froze.

"Why? What're we doing?"

"We're going to go into the twoleg-place, just scout out where some cats are. Is that alright with you?" His tone was slightly sarcastic, and I was taken aback.

"Yes, that's fine, no need to get your tail in a knot," I huffed. "I'm going down the river to get a drink."

"Don't drown," came his reply. I growled and stalked off. Of course that's what he would say. Don't drown.

Reaching the water, I plopped down on the pebbly shore and glared into the running water. A rustle came through the reeds on the other side, and I looked up.

A beautiful she-cat stared back a me, blue eyes twinkling with curiosity. Probably a RiverClan warrior. Great. I wasn't going to drown, I was going to get mauled.

Drawing out my claws, I prepared myself, though she didn't look like much of a challenge.

"Who're you? Are you ThunderClan?" She asked. I growled.

"Do I smell like ThunderClan?" My claws dug into the clay.

She blinked. "Well, just a little bit. You smell kinda like Grayst- some cats I met at the Gathering." I rolled my eyes. "I'm Silverstream," she continued.

"Creekclaw." I replied stonily.

Silverstream looked confused. "So you are Clan?"

"No. I just have a Clan name. Deal with it." For whatever reason, I was grumpy today. And yesterday. And my stomach hurt. Fox-dung.

"No need to be so snappy," the RiverClanner countered softly across the water. "Come over?" I laughed.

"Because I want to get mauled for being on RiverClan territory. No thanks. Have a nice day!"

Graystripe. Hm... I'd have to ask Bearclaw next time I saw her. Now for a nap before Kinkfoot dragged me onto the dirty thunderpaths of the twoleg-place.

I headed back to the den, ignoring Kinkfoot, and fell asleep, dismissing his protests of me barely waking up an hour ago. Too bad, Kinkfoot. Too bad.


Author's Note: I love Creek. She's like a teenage girl on her period when her brother is annoying her. She gets me. Also, sorry it's so short. The next chapter will take a little longer because I have to find my old notes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2017 ⏰

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