Chapter 3

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(Natasha's POV.)
    First period just ended and it was so boring, nothing interesting happened in history. But thank god I have music next period, music is always my favorite class of the day. As soon as I walk into class I can feel the the energy in the room. Everyone was alive, smiling, talking and laughing with each other. I walked to the teacher to showed her my schedule and she gave me a warm welcoming smile that I returned before sitting in the front row. 

    After a few moments of sitting down a bubbly strawberry blonde, with hazel eyes and a fair skin, brown eyed brunet walk into the the class and sit beside me. "Hey." the strawberry blonde smiles at me. "Are you new? I've never seen you before and I know everyone that goes to Beacon Hills High." "Yea I'm knew we just moved here yesterday." I reply with a smile. "We? Who's we?" she asked. "Me and my younger sister." "Oh? Where did you both move here from?" the brunet asked. " "New York." "Where in New York?" "Queens New York." "That's cool. Most people that come from New York usually say New York City, the Bronx, Brooklyn or Manhattan." the hazel eyed girl said. "Yea that's true." I reply with a small laugh. "OMG how rude of me I haven't even introduced myself I'm Lydia and this is my friend Alison. Just like you Alison is new here she just got here last week. Right Alison?" "Yea and so far everyone I've met has been super kind to me." "Same. But there was this one boy this morning that seemed like he was flirting. He licked his hand, brushed his hair back and said "hello ladies." to me and my sister." "Do you remember his name?" Lydia asked. "I think it was Steffen, or Steven, something with a 'St'." I said trying to recall his name. "Was it Styles?" Alison asked with a sense of sarcasm. "Yea that's his name!" "Yea." she laughed "That seems like something he would do." 

    After we talk for a little more the teacher starts to speak getting everyone attention. "Okay class today we are going to have solo auditions for the honors choir and everyone has to audition. Now lets see who is going to go first." she paused looking around the room and her gaze landing on me. "Miss Pierce. Why don't you do the honors and go first?" I nod my head and get up looking around for a moment. "Do you have an acoustic guitar that I can barrow?" "Yes it's right over there I'll go get it for you." she said walking to the far left corner of the room and returning with a basic wood colored acoustic guitar handing it to me. I thank her as I walk to the front of the class sitting on a stool positioning myself to get ready to play. 

    I close my eyes getting nervous but then I remember what my father once told me "Imogen that you're alone and play your heart out." so that's what I did as I strummed and zoned out. (A/n: "Might as well be Mars" by: Brittany Underwood.) 

They tell me it's nice this time of year
Down on earth
But My head has been in the clouds
I'm acting weird and lost for words.
Falling like the stars
I'm falling fast and hard for something out of reach
I could be there but you wouldn't see me
Hover in the air, like I'm just a daydream, oh
Why does it feel so far?
Close enough to touch
But you're looking through me
In the same room a smile away feels miles from where 
you are.
Might as well be Mars
Never been bound by gravity
But I am now
You have made a human out of me
and pulled me down
Falling like the stars
I'm falling fast and hard
for something I can't reach.
I could be there 
but you wouldn't see me
hover in the air
like I'm just like a daydream, oh
why does it feel so far?
Close enough to touch 
but you're looking through me
In the same room
a smile away feels miles from where you are
Might as well be Mars.
Oh, it might as well be Mars
I could be there but you wouldn't see me
Hover in the air like I'm just a daydream, oh
Why does it feel so far?
Close enough to touch
But you're looking through me
In the same room a smile away feels miles from where 
Might as well be Mars
Might as well be Mars
Might as well be Mars 

        After I finished singing my classmates give me a standing ovation while my teacher walks up to me. "Wow Natasha that was amazing you have a definite spot in the honors choir." I smile shyly thanking her before returning the guitar and then to my seat. The rest of class was uneventful so I decided to text Halle that I met some people and to meet me at lunch. I then continue talking to Lydia and Alison for the rest of class.

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