Chapter 5: Mind Enrichment

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It was the first of many disappointments to come. Only this one was warranted. I had met Nahel in the bathroom almost two hours ago hoping he'd be asking if I was okay. That was not at all the case. Nahel simply told me that he was done with me. He was done leading me on, and he was done hurting his girl. I guess Nahel just didn't care about me and all that I had sacrificed. My family almost half hated me all because I was open to loving him so deeply. Honestly, it mattered not.
It was almost time to go home as my last block began. I sat turning over countless amounts of trash in my palms until an unfamiliar voice acquainted me.
"Hey, why are you so quiet ?" said the voice.
I looked up in amusement. Was this really happening? Had someone actually noticed me?
"Hello I'm Nyah," the unknown girl had said. "What's your name?"
"I'm Nylockee, but most people call me Nii," I replied. Nyah immediately took me under her wing. I guess she could tell that I truly needed some guidance. It was the highlight of my horrible day. We talked all through gym class, and quite frankly forgot about everything else.
"Well it was nice meeting you," said Nyah.
"Likewise," I replied.
Gym had come to a close and the end of the school day was finally here. I walked myself to my bus and boarded as fast as I could. I was tired, I was relieved, and I was confused all in one. The bus ignited and sped off the school lot. I busied myself by looking out of the window and watching passing cars. I was so glad to be returning to my house. There I was free of embarrassment, I was free of hiding and holding in my emotions.
The bus had come to a stop at my front door now. I lifted myself up with what little energy I had left, and exited the bus. I walked the driveway to my house and entered the quiet,peaceful household. It felt like I had been gone for days, but in reality this had only been the first one. I could only imagine how much more hell I'd have to endure before the year finally ended. I found myself a snack to eat, and opened my phone. I had been tagged in some video. I opened the video notification to see what exactly I had to do with it. The cover scene of the video was a picture of me up against the lockers. I could see exactly what this was before even pressing play. I played the video anyway, and watched myself being drenched in red juice. I saw the pain in my eyes, I saw the helplessness in my face. It wasn't a good look. The video was being reposted and laughed at. It amazed me how so much evil could bring smiles to others. I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed the chefs knife from the kitchen and placed it upon my right wrist. My mind was telling me that if I cut I'd be free. I didn't want to cut, and it wasn't the pain that was holding me back: It was my pride. I was better than this. I was better than cuts on my wrist all because some cowards needed a laugh. I put the knife back, and went back into my phone looking through messages instead. Nahel had texted me some long paragraph about how sorry he was for what happened to me today. I understood why Nahel was probably upset about all of this, but why blame me? Why punish me for something his girl did? I accepted his apology and jumped into conversation with him about the video and how it made me feel. Nahel of course just acted as if it didn't matter.
"Things happen," he had told me.

The days in school seemed to come and go each less and less interesting. It was mid November now. Months didn't feel like months anymore. Months felt more like prolonged weeks filled with stress and agonizing experiences. The first report card had been issued and the first marking period had come to a close. My grades were pretty up to par except for Geometry. Ms.Nixon had given me a C in her class. For the first time ever, I was okay with a C. The class was hard and I was surrounded by advanced minds. I asked so many questions, but I still didn't understand the subject matter. So, if you ask me a C in a class you know nothing about is totally acceptable.
It was the weekend now. I had no plans, so I was stuck in the house accompanied only by my thoughts. I hadn't talked to Nahel in almost two months. I guess he was done with me, and I was fine with that. I began cleaning my room for no reason. I kept coming across old jerseys from middle school volleyball, old trophies, and other very old memories. I grabbed into a pile of clothes and my eyes met a pair of pants I thought I had trashed years ago. My blue skinny jeans. Torn at the back, and ripped apart at the seams. I got shivers just staring at them. Those jeans had put up a fight against my attacker years ago, and here they were. I convinced myself that now was the time to start taking pride in my past. So, I hung up my blue jeans against my white wall, and attached a sticky note that read "fighter". I took some steps back and admired my big accomplishment. This was a big move on my part. The man that took everything I had away from me years ago had control over my life for so long. I was done giving him the power to challenge my every move. I am now free. I stopped cleaning after finding my blue jeans. I had no more cleaning to do if I had cleaned that far. I was left once again with nothing to do. So, I took a nap in hopes that the day would surpass me.
When I awoke I found that my phone was ringing non-stop. It was Nahel. I tried to keep track of all the messages coming in all at once, but the messages were coming in too fast.
The messages read :
"They found out"
"They know about us"
"I can't take this"
"You promised"
The messages were so confusing. I had also noticed that both my best friends, Eyanna and Nayeemah, had called me several times. What was happening? I looked at me and Eyanna's messages and I saw the unthinkable. My Instagram account had been hacked and countless videos, pictures, and screenshots were posted. Someone had sabotaged my very first REAL secret. All of me and Nahel's business was now available for everyone to see.

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