Chapter 6: Cold Came The Truth

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"Meet me at Heightvillage in ten minutes," read the last message Nahel had sent.
I couldn't believe today's events. Someone actually was able to hack my Instagram account, and ruin everything. Nahel and I tried so hard to keep our relationship on the low. It had worked for two years now. A wise man once told me that "all things done in the dark, must come to the light,". That man knew exactly what he was talking about.
I began quickly rushing around my dirty room; scrambling for a pair of pants and shoes to wear. For whatever reason, I had a bad taste in my mouth about what was about to happen. Nahel demanded that I met him at Heightvillage without giving me a reason. So, I had every right to be both scared and confused. I pulled on my black nike joggers and slipped my feet into my American flag vans. I hauled across the room in pursue of what Nahel wanted. My Instagram gets hacked....and you want to meet up? No lying to protect you or.....lying at all? Hell yeah, I'm confused for sure. I slowly opened the front door when I arrived downstairs, and exited my two-story home. Before continuing my fast-paced walk, I took a look back at my house and wondered....."what the hell am I getting myself into." I then began to run. One foot in front of the other, not stopping to collect a breath.
It was 12:10 am. I hadn't payed one ounce of attention to the time since I had been home from school. Heightvillage was now coming into view. Dark, with only the street lights to compliment the schools frame. Absentmindedly I began walking through the parking lot: looking left and then right in search of Nahel's tall frame. I then see a figure crouching next to the school's tennis court.
"Nahel?" I shouted into the darkness. If the crouching figure was Nahel, it sure didn't answer when I called. "Approach him," I told myself. "Approach him." I walked towards the crouching figure and removed its hood. It was Nahel.
"Nahel, what the fuck?" I yelled. "I'm here what's up?"
"You know what's up," he replied.
"Please stand up so I can look at you," I begged weakly. Nahel stood up and looked at me.
"Kiss me," he said. "Please"
I touched my lips on his standing on my tip-toes. He was crying now, and I could feel his body shake.
" it's ok," I whispered in a hopeful undertone.
"Nii, they know about us," Nahel began. "They know that we have something going on. They know that I'm into's only a matter of time before my parents find out," he finished.
"I'll lie. Nahel I'll say it was all a lie. I'll make messages again, and say I came on to you. I will," I yelled.
I was crying now. Crying because Nahel was hurt beyond his body's wanting.
"No!" Nahel yelled at me. "No more lying"
I didn't know what he meant by this. Again, I was confused. Nahel began to back away from me. Farther, and farther back he went not saying a word to me.
"Where are you going?" I shouted.
"Shhh Nii," Nahel whispered. "Ill make this quick"
"Make what quick Nahel?" I cried. "What are you talking about?" I looked at Nahel, or at least in his direction, and saw something that I hadn't prepared myself to see. Nahel was holding a gun to his head, tears rolling down his face. I was shaking. Every part of me had gone cold.
"Nahel...put down the gun please," I pleaded. "Don't be stupid"
"You promised this wouldn't get promised," he weeped. "I love you dude. I love you"
"Nahel no!" I shouted, running at him now.
"Goodbye Nii," Nahel whispered.
I began running as fast as I could towards him. Crying, panting not realizing how bad I sounded.
"NOOOOO!" I screamed with every ounce of energy left in me. "No, No, No, No!" I kept yelling. "No"
It happened. Nahel had shot himself. I was overwhelmed by the possibilities of what 'could be'. Could he be dead? Could this have been a joke? None of which I had an answer for.
"911 what's your emergency?" says the female operator on the other line.
I don't know what to say. I'm shaking, crying, and really just at a loss for words.
"Yes I have a.....," I trail off. Dead body do I say? The thought crushes me; please don't be dead. I hadn't even thought to look for Nahel's figure after the shots were fired.
"I have a wounded friend he....he just shot himself. I'm here with him at Heightvillage High in the parking lot," my voice was shaking. I didn't know the right words to say, but I knew that now, help was on the way.

Nahel was a football player at Heightvillage who was favored by many. Everyone adored him, and everything about him. He told me once that he didn't know what love was. I simply agreed. But I knew inside I loved him. Nahel wasn't a guy that just messed around with anyone; he was popular. So, I guess lucky was what I could've called myself. Lucky to have had him in my life. Lucky to have kissed the guy that every girl at school wanted to kiss. Lucky to have failed him maybe? No, that wasn't luck, just a rookie mistake.
Nahel was pronounced dead the following day, Tuesday November ninth. Only the third month of school. Nahel had his future ahead of him. Yet, I took that away from him. It was my fault. I didn't care that he may have shot himself. It was me who made him feel the need to pull the trigger. Two months later, I still woke up at night crying, panting, and hoping for a better outcome. That 'better outcome' never came, and unfortunately....never would.
It was mid January now. January 15th to be exact. Not much had been happening either. I joined chorus, started and finished a season of volleyball, and ran for freshman president (I won!!!). In my opinion, life was passing me by, and to be honest I was ok with it.

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