Cookies and Carats

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6 AM, a knock on the door, and the face of a trusted friend. All key elements in the morning life of (Y/N). 5 days a week I had the privilege to wake up to the face of Jin. Just like he would wait for me in school to have lunch, he'd do the same to walk there as well. Like a loyal dog, never leaving it's owner's side.

"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty." He greeted me with the signature smile that could make flowers grow.

A bleary eyed me wearing childish butterfly pajamas laughed and let him inside. "O'l buddy O'l pal."

This routine of ours gave me something to look forward to. Opening the door seemed to be the one thing at this hour, other than sleep, that made me value life. The reason? I loved Jin. I admired how for pitiful me he would gladly wake up hours before school just to come to my house and walk me there.

"I'm gonna shower, okay?" He already knew the drill and sat down on the couch waiting.

"Alright. Don't slip."

*Time skip to lunch*

"Finally I'm freaking starving." I opened my book bag and slammed my entire life savings worth of snacks on the table. Well, what seemed like it. The table was littered with bags of chips, sweets, and other delicacies that I bought at the corner store to satisfy the ravenous gluttony attacking me every day. Almost as if it's sending me texts saying "Don't forget about me." A concerned Jin makes his way to my spot.

"I'm really sorry about that... My algebra teacher wouldn't let me leave on time." He smiled apologetically. The view has now shifted from complex math equations to me eating like a pig. With the way I was scarfing everything down, you'd think the pig was more civil. "(Y/N), I've noticed that lately all you've been eating is store bought food. That's pretty unhealthy don't you think? I mean you don't want to put your health in jeopardy."

I don't know if it was instinct or just the need to be a bitch, but leave it to me to mess around. "Oh so you're calling me fat? Thanks. I'm gonna starve myself now." I swear those words sucked the soul out of him. I've never seen him so stressed in my life. I should know better than to play around with a sweet guy like Jin, but I couldn't help myself.

"NO NO NO! Please don't do that! Not at all I swear I just... just w-wanted to look out for your health! Really!" He started flailing his arms around like a maniac. I'm going to hell for laughing. Well, not like I didn't have a spot reserved already.

"I'm kidding, oh my god!" He stayed flustered, but managed to blurt out a few more words.

"Good... but you are going to eat today's Eat Jin with me." He proceeded to feed me his famous homemade kimchi with the chopsticks he so neatly packed along with the food in a cute little container. The savory spices he incorporated in the dish trickled their way to the roof of my mouth. Nothing can describe how heavenly the food he makes tastes. The boy's got talent, considering I hate spicy food.

He continued feeding me, completely unaware of the onlookers at the other tables. Secretly judging, and secretly gossiping. Not so secret after all if I can see girls leaning into their equally irritating friend's ear, and whispering "Dating?" over and over.

"So we have that English test coming up soon, right? I'm a bit worried... I don't think I meet Mrs. Hendrix's expectations at all." Jin scratched his head and looked down in embarrassment. Hendrix was pretty chill at times, but I have that little bit of resentment towards her for causing to him doubt himself.

"Yeah..." I nodded in agreement. "I can tell It's gonna be tough. I haven't studied at all."

"Why don't you come over today and we'll get some studying done? It'll be more fun if we do it together, right?" I took his word for it.

Later that afternoon, we did just as he suggested.

"Come in! Please make yourself at home." He's always so damn respectful. I've been here a million times. Whether it was for our weekly movie marathons or cheesy house parties, I knew his home as if it were my own. I dropped my book bag on the tile floor and took out the thick English book we'd be using. "Oh let me put that away for you in the closet." Jin suddenly ran off with my bag and came back a few moments later. Okay then... As I made my way to the kitchen table, I was greeted by the lovely Mrs. Seokjin.

"Oh, Hello (Y/N)! I didn't know you were coming here. You must be hungry. Have a seat while I make the food, okay?" The middle aged woman always greeted me with that tender motherly smile.

Half an hour later, all three of us were in the table having a good time as a family. The book remained on the side. Unopened, untouched, and unused. So much for studying.

"Thank you for the meal Mrs. Kim! Delicious as always." I bowed out of respect.

"Oh please, (Y/N)! Don't make me feel older than I already am!" She let out a laugh identical to Jin's. Dear God it sounded like the squeaking of wiping windex on a window. The resemblance is uncanny. Well the woman gave birth to him after all..."You don't have to call me Mrs. anything. Just call me mom."

"Okay mom." I'm glad I can be able to say those words so freely. Hopefully my real mother's mom senses aren't tingling and she feels that her daughter is cheating on her with another pair of parents. The ultimate treason.

"That's more like it!" She continued her laughing spree, her elastic graying hair bouncing at her shoulders. She always looked young to me despite the few streaks of gray starting to peer out of her roots. As she passed the pepper to a very hungry Jin, I noticed the gorgeous diamond wedding ring that wrapped itself around her slim finger. I guess she caught me staring, because five seconds later she was extending her hand as if to show it off. What a sassy old lady.

"Two carats." She said with a smirk. Her husband is almost never able to spend time with her because of work, but with a ring like that I can imagine he truly loves her. I can just picture how elegant she looked on her wedding day. The royal-like white bridal gown streaming behind her as she made her way down the aisle. Hopefully I can go through the same magical experience. With the dork sitting across from me. Yes. That would be perfect.

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