Sweet and Sour

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After I finally got caught up with him, he grabbed my arm with unusual pressure and headed up the narrow staircase that lead to the outside world I had forgotten existed. "We're going home. Now." His voice was sharper than ever, but still had that little touch of Jin that was uniquely him. Like the quick slash of a knife against a plate. I must've fallen deep if I find his "I'm getting ready to kill you" voice attractive... I didn't have any authority to argue at this point. I did something that I shouldn't have and I admit it. I tried to alleviate the tension in the air by changing the subject.

"So are you going home or heading back to my place? Your mother said she'd be out late and so did mine, but if you want to stay by yourself that's totally okay." He did not say a word but continued to walk down the path to my house, so I guess that's settled. It was midnight. We spent much longer in there than I thought. The moon seemed to trail behind us with every step we took.

"We're here." I unlocked the door and headed to my room with a very strange acting Jin tagging along. I've never seem this side of him. So quiet and unpredictable. Just what is he thinking? I probably shouldn't be asking him anything right now, but I need to know. "Jin... Why are you so mad...?" That sentence was the switch that triggered the scariest event of my lifetime. Before I even had time to process what was going on Jin had thrown the missing English textbook in my direction. Those two centimeters it missed me by were the difference between life and death. The one thing bouncing around my mind is if I really know the boy I call Kim Seokjin.

He was completely hysterical. I never imagined the gentle giant Jin to be the type to go on a rampage, but here he was, in my own house, throwing everything I owned in every direction. Decorations and trinkets arranged neatly on my desk shattered into a million pieces on the floor. I could see my pitiful reflection on the picture of ours that was toppled over during the chaos. Seeing the huge smile plastered on our faces and the bunny ears we put on each other only made it worse. Every muscle of my body was completely paralyzed. All I could pay attention to was my feeling of guilt. I'm useless. I can't do anything right. Why? Why was this happening to me? To us? This was the first time... The first time in a while, that I felt true fear. I finally snapped out of my trance and managed to say something.

"Please, Jin. Please stop! If there's anything you wan't to say to me I'll listen!" I pleaded. He stopped and began to talk.

"I saw you with him. I was scared that you'd leave me. You're the most important person to me now. You are the sole person that influences everything I do and think about. Seeing you so close to that Jackson guy made my blood boil. I can't stand seeing you with someone else that's not me! I believe the word for this feeling is love. Yeah. I'm in love with you." His eyes said nothing but pure sincerity. "I transferred to this school because of you!"

No... I always thought the whole going to the same high school business was nothing more than a coincidence. Now it made sense why someone as smart as Jin would settle for such a mediocre school. The words I always dreamed of hearing have just been uttered from his mouth. How could I have been so blind? This was the only logical explanation for his anger yet I was too oblivious to notice he felt the same way for me. Well to be fair, I was trying to be mature so I didn't want to get my hopes up. I knew someone as breathtaking as Jin would never fall for such a disappointment. Miracles do happen, because apparently I was wrong. After the confession he poured his heart into, he looked around and realized what he had just done.

"Oh... Oh God... (Y/N)... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." The poor kid burst into tears. Well, I would too if it came down to this mess. He apologized over and over, trying to make up for his selfishness. All that was left was to clean everything up. After a million muffled "I'm sorry"s, I cradled him in my arms that were still trembling. This was nice. Our fingers were laced together like the ribbon he used to tie the cookies that were long gone in my stomach.

After a few minutes of listening to nothing but our own breathing, Jin broke the ice.

"Hey (Y/N). Go out with me."

I lifted his bangs and looked into the brown eyes desperate for a response.


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