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"I'm sorry we didn't get anything productive done because I was fooling around... Anyways, I'd better go before it starts to get dark outside. See you tomorrow Jin! And thank you for the food Mrs. Kim!" I waved goodbye to them both and proceeded to dart out the door with my bag slung over my shoulder. One thing was pretty suspicious, though... It was oddly lighter than when I arrived. I paid no mind to it and just kept going. It was getting kinda late. Luckily we didn't live too far from each other. Because of the 4 block distance, I was able to get home safely in around 15 minutes.

I twisted my keys into the front door and headed to my room. I plopped on my bed and began to unpack my bag. As I reached in, I was expecting a thick hardcover book, but instead my fingers were detecting the shape of something unknown. It crinkled. I pulled out the foreign object, confused. A beautifully embroidered baggie filled with cookies and a ribbon tied daintily on top was there instead of the book. A little tag on the ribbon answered the pending question of who in the world made these for me. In curly, stunning handwriting were the words "From Jin. Enjoy!" and a petite heart drawn to top it off. I wasn't too surprised. After all, he loved to cook. That Jin... When did he sneak these in? When did he have the time to make them? I smiled and held the cookies to my chest. Gazing at the ceiling I carefully untied the rose patterned ribbon holding everything together and grabbed one cookie. The detailing on these things were insane. Each of the ten little bears were gently decorated with dollops of frosting and miniature bits of my favorite candy. I can tell he worked hard on these. I felt bad for biting the cute little Rilakkuma bear's head off, but that's how the cookie crumbles. The pleasing sweetness of satisfaction lingered in my mouth till morning when I'd see his face again.

The next day, Eat Jin came with a side of invitation.

To our surprise, we weren't the only ones at our table. This has to be some sort of prank... A very edgy girl by the name of Ximena was sitting cross legged in my unassigned assigned chair. I've seen her around school, but only knew her as the typical emo girl, choker and fringe included.

"Um... Hello? What brings you here today?" I asked in curiosity. The girl gave a smug smirk.

"Well I've been observing you and... uh... Jimin here."

"Jin..." He corrected her cautiously.

"Yeah, him. It seems to me that you two are pretty chummy around each other. You dating?" There it was.

"Uh... No. We aren't, actually." It took everything in me to not throw in a complimentary "I wish".

"Come on. That chopstick ordeal yesterday was a dead giveaway." The very creepy joker on her shirt seemed to grin back at me just like it's wearer.

"Seems to me like we have a very dedicated fan here..."

"Anyways, what I'm trying to say is that I've been chosen by Brooklyn to get all the couples in our school and invite them to her party today, even if they are a few grades below us. Here's the address and time." Brooklyn. The infamous senior Brooklyn Price. Even a loser like me has heard about her, the golden whore. Anything with her name is nothing but trouble. Ximena handed me a very crumpled piece of paper with the time and place for said party. Not to mention absolutely terrible handwriting.

"Well with that done, I'm off. Have fun lovebirds." She walked to over to Jin who hasn't said a word in a while and seductively stroked his cheek. The one thought that stopped me from knocking her out was "You can't have Jin's babies if you're in prison."

For the rest of the day I kept looking at the paper. " 273 Pinewheel Avenue, 7 PM" Pinewheel, huh? That place is only about 30 minutes from my house. I mean I have nothing to do so...

"You're seriously thinking about going, (Y/N)? I think it's a bad idea." He knew what I was up to.

"Probably, but come on! We should live life. Who knows, it might even be fun. Meet me at my house at seven okay? No excuses." Jin knew there was no use in trying to negotiate with me or change my mind. It was all decided.

Like a Butterfly (Jin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now