Chapter 2: A Noob, Learning to Play

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Once Michael quickly skimmed through his status screen, he muttered "Ugh, it feels like my stomach is tearing itself apart... You're probably not supposed to just take them like vitamins, huh? Actually, I bet there's some kind of alchemy or cooking skill that makes them edible, hahaha~. Oh shit, it feels like I'm gonna die. Hmmm~, my HP isn't dropping, so it should be fine, right? Argh~, I wish I could lay down for a few minutes, but I'm ninety-nine percent sure that I'll just get swarmed by adorable fluffy death-machines... Usually, things like mana-cores from monsters are ingredients to forge or enchant weapons, so I probably wasn't supposed to eat it."

Indeed, humans weren't meant to consume mana-cores, but there were still plenty who tried. However, to 'normal' people, after feeling the horrible pain of that first one, their instincts would force them to stop... Assuming that they survived the experience.

Noticing that Michael was slowly losing health, one of the more bloodthirsty bunnies leaped out of the grass, and nearly headbutted the back of his neck. Fortunately for the unsuspecting man, he suddenly released an obnoxiously loud and high-pitched "Chuuuu~!" while sneezing towards the mutilated rabbit carcass. Strangely enough, his mana-pool actually decreased to 10/15, and a skill was activated.

Not only did he manage to dodge the sneak-attack, but he even gave it a 'deafened' debuff, which had a devastating effect on the creature's Perception. After he opened his eyes again, he furiously complained "Seriously?! Even after dying twice, I still have fucking sinus problems?! Damn it, eww~, tissues~... Shit! How the hell did people survive before technology?"

It took him a half a minute to blow his nose, while struggling with all of his might to avoid using his filthy hands to alleviate the problem. When he was finally able to slightly breathe out of at least one nostril, he noticed the loud grunting and growling noises all around him.

Then he saw a bunch of floating, holographic text over the tall-grass within a few meters of himself. After inadvertently landing an 'AoE' disabling ability on all of the nearby rabbits, their 'hidden' effect had been nullified, and he could finally go on the offensive. Michael snickered as he reached down, grabbing the long, floppy ears of a small white-bunny and lifted it up to eye-level.

Before the critter could scream, he quickly snapped its neck, but didn't immediately remove its mana-core. Holding the carcass by its relatively powerful legs, he turned around and swung it as hard as he could. An incoming rabbit was swatted out of the air, causing it to crash into the ground with tremendous force.

The corpse that he was using had been broken and twisted, but the other one was in a similar condition. Its intestines and other internal organs had ruptured and were spilling out all over the place. Considering that prior to his abduction, Michael not only had obsessive-compulsive disorder but also severe mysophobia, it was amazing that he could actually function under such a 'messy' situation.

However, even while gagging and complaining constantly, he still managed to use his bare-hands to kill the other five bunnies that were within his sight. Then he finally muttered "Wait a second... This is a game, right? Then there should be some kind of magical, overly-convenient bag, that I can easily put things into and take things out of... Actually, how the hell does all this shit even work? Help? Open storage, show status-screen? Okay then, guess verbal commands are useless..."

After a few seconds of silence, as he made a serious expression, a screen finally popped up in front of his face. It read "Bag One" and had sixteen squares, each of which were empty. When he held the first rabbit up to the top-right corner, it instantly vanished and the blank space was replaced with a grotesque picture of what he placed inside.

Even after shoving all eight of them in the same slot, there was still no sign of there not being enough room. Then he plucked a blade of grass out of the ground, and tested whether or not it would let him stack different kinds of items in the same spots; not surprisingly, it didn't work.

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