Chapter 21: A Hardcore Event

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As Michael opened the door he muttered "No locks... seriously? Ugh, this is definitely gonna be a pain in the ass." The inside of the room was completely dark, until Elina released a bright-white light from her palm, which created a very wide area of illumination.

Then Lily pointed towards the candles, one at a time, silently lighting them from a distance. He couldn't help but sigh, while asking "Are those Class-specific spells, or is it possible for anyone to learn them?"

The Priestess snickered, and replied "You really must be from another world if you don't even know that much... Hehe~, magic is all about Affinities. I was born with a connection to the Goddess of Light, so as my level increases, I'll occasionally receive divine inspiration. Hmmm~, it's kind of like an idea suddenly pops into your head, and you hear a woman's voice, who whispers 'You have learned a new skill.' Then she gives you a very vague explanation of what it is, and how it works. Although, it happens a lot more often after you gain a Class."

After that, the Enchantress closed the door and placed a wooden chair under the doorknob, as a makeshift locking mechanism Michael started awkwardly talking to himself: "Ah, that makes sense I guess... I wonder what my Affinity is? Well, as far as Classes go, I should probably pick something Tanky with healing abilities. Paladins are always overpowered, but how does someone like me even get a Class?"

In the room were two fairly large beds, with black sheets and no comforters; there were two fluffy pillows near the top of each mattress. He was actually surprised at how clean everything appeared.

Lily bit her lip and asked the Human, "Now that we're in here, you can let Richard out, right?" Without hesitation, he bent down to the floor and made the two-meter tall Knight appear out of thin-air.

Elina cast "Holy Cure" on the unconscious cat-man, and then bent down, took off his steel helmet, and smacked his face a few times with her right palm, while yelling "Wake up!"

The moment he opened his eyes, Richard shouted "Gah! Cut that shit out!" as he grabbed the full-helm out of her left hand, and put it back on his head. There was only a narrow 'T-shaped' hole, which slightly revealed his nose, lips, and eyes, on the scratched-up piece of armor.

As soon as he saw Michael, he pushed off the ground and withdrew the flamberge on his back, while roaring "You bastard! I'll fucking slaughter you!" However, surprisingly, both of his comrades stood in front of the Human and began furiously hissing at him. Seeing and hearing that, the huge Knight lowered his weapon and asked "What the hell happened when I was knocked out?"

While the three of them were talking among themselves, Michael sighed and finally released his first prisoner. When the slimy, crimson-skinned, little demon appeared, the Cat-Tribe trio were all startled.

Lily screamed "What the hell is that thing?!" as she jumped backwards and took cover behind the Knight in dull and scratched-up steel armor.

Elina smirked as she answered "A Level-5, Rank-F, Bloodworm-Goblin... I guess he wasn't just bluffing when he threatened that old woman, huh?"

However, Richard just asked "How the fuck did he just do that? Was it summoning magic?" He wasn't that concerned about the relatively small and weak, naked, female creature, but completely missed the whole conversation in the bar.

All of the noise managed to awaken the groaning girl; her entire body was incredibly sore, especially her gums and back. The strangest sensations that she experienced were the hundreds of long and skinny bloodworms that grew out of her scalp, after that was the tail, but most importantly was the fact that she couldn't see.

Sarah turned over onto her stomach and quietly pushed off the ground, slowly standing upright. Even though she was blind, her sense of smell and touch were enhanced significantly.

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