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I've managed to survive most of the week, surprisingly, and since it's Thursday, I don't have much left.

I always look forward to weekends, just lazily laying around with Sabeen for the most part.

I've been at school already for a few periods, and I'm just about to meet Sabeen and Cameron at our table for lunch.

When I get there, Cameron has an excited yet nervous glint in her eyes, and I smile at her a little before sitting down on the circular seat.

As soon as Sabeen sits down Cameron says,"I have something to tell you guys."



As soon as the words leave Cameron's mouth, I get a little worried.

What if something happened to her parents? What if something happened to her? Does she have cancer?

The worries keep circling through my brain and Cameron must see it on my face, because she quickly reassures me that I have nothing to worry about, everyone is fine.

I breath a sigh of relief, and then ask,"Well what is it that you want to tell us then?"

She fiddles with her hands for a moment and I encourage to tell us.

"We're your best  friends, we're always here for you, and you can tell us anything."

That must help calm her down because she takes a deep breath and says,"I'm gay."
Hey lovelies!

Thanks so much for hanging in, I'm sorry I didn't get out the few chapters that I promised, but I am trying to make up for it ASAP.

Love you all and thank you!:)


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