Chapter II

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"Hi," I smile.

"What's your name?" He says as I notice his face go red.

"Hayley," I blush and finally look up at the board, where the teacher is starting her lesson.

"Where do you live?" He can't take his eyes off me.

"645 Lakeshore Blvd. Sydney, Australia, the suburbs," I giggle. I try to side-track back to the smart board where the teacher is smiling back to Luke and I. I grin back at her as she continues to write on the board.

"Wow," his face goes blank, "I moved into 646! Right across the road!" He smiles.

"Weird, I didn't see you," I say, obliviously confused.

"Yeah, I went straight inside and started unpacking," He says and looks at me with a half-smile, his lip ring, that I just noticed, is very sexy on him.

The bell rings and we all rush out of the room. I feel a slight tap on my shoulder as if they don't want to disturb me.

"Here's my phone number if you want to start talking and be friends, you're very beautiful," He smiles and walks away leaving me alone in the hallway with a slip of paper and the minute bell just ringing.

~ Later that day ~

I walk into my 7th-hour chemistry class and see him again. I smile warmly as if to say, ¨Hey, I'm crushing on the new kid already, even though, one of the 'prettier' girls might take him!" I shake my head at the thought of him dating a fake piece of trash like that. I gag at the thought of him dating a girl like Alyssa Hateringburg. She thinks she's so pretty and perfect but, in reality, she's nowhere close to it.

"Okay class, we're going to be picking lab partners today. You'll have the same person for the rest of the year so choose wisely. Once all partners have been decided, I will assign you a table. When I say go, you will pick your partner." The teacher starts giving the 'lab partners' speech before the bell even rings. "Go."

I guess he noticed me too because before I know it, he's by my side and holding my hand? What?

"Hi," I smile and lets my hand go numb in his.

"Hi, I'm so glad I got to you before someone else did. You must have guys crawling on their hands and knees to get to you." He chuckles and the teacher asks if we have all the pairs. One girl is left, Alyssa Hateringburg.

"Choose any group you'd like, Alyssa."

Luke starts to whisper in my ear, "She's the one who was flirting with me during 4th and 5th hour. No, no, no. She's walking this way. Oh, god. No." That was all he managed to say as she took his other side and also holding his other hand.

"Hi, Lukey." She smiles and gives me a death stare.

He doesn't let go of my hand as I smile back at her, my perfect, white teeth against her yellow, crooked teeth. No wonder Luke likes me more. Luke tries to pull his hand away from hers but she keeps holding his hand. I hear him mutter, "Ouch," under his breath as he tries to pull away.

"Would you mind giving his hand back, please?" I smile kindly and look at Luke as he's nodding ferociously.

"Um, what about you? You're holding his hand too!?" She tries to look at him to get back up but, all she gets is a shake in disapproval.

"I'm actually holding her hand, we're dating so could you please step off?" He smiles towards me and kisses me on the cheek.

I blush and the teacher looks back at us just after the kiss when Alyssa is standing in awe.

"Your group, in this back, right table."

~ 5:00 pm ~

I text Luke around 5:01 and get an instant response.

Me -Hey, what's up?

Oh nothing much, what about yourself ;) - Luke

-Studying XP

Same :( -

- Wanna come over? I have mac & cheese! <3

Oh, my, god, yes. -


The next thing I know, I have a knock on my window. I open it and see Luke outside.

"You know you could've, I don't know, knocked on the door?" I laugh and step to the side to let him in.

"Yeah, but 1) That's boring, and 2) This is more 'Romeo and Juliet'-y," he smiles and kisses my hand, "M'lady." He laughs

I giggle and blush. "So about us dating," I chuckle as his face goes red.

"Yeah, I had to think of something."

"I know."

"So, did you mind?"

"Not at all," I laugh and blush heavily.



"Well, I better go home.  My mom's going to wonder where I went."

"Okay, see you tomorrow."

"Okay, see ya."

He climbs back out the window and I see him jog across street and back into his house.

~ The Next Day ~

My sister and I drive to school and park in the same parking spot as before and I go to first-hour math.  Luke is sitting in the same spot he was yesterday, apparently waiting for me.  I smile and walk back to my seat.

"Hi," I acknowledge him.

"What's up," He grins back and reaches over to grab my hand, "I'm sorry for ditching you yesterday."

"It's cool, I understand," I nod in understanding and the bell rings for class to start.

"Okay class, hand your homework to the person in front of you.  I'll be collecting it from them." 

"Uh, oh." Luke chuckles, "I forgot."  His face goes red.

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