Chapter IV

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I smile up at him and I lay my head on his shoulder.  

"Let's go somewhere," he says.

"Okay," I feel disappointed.

He takes my hand once again and we walk out of my house to his car.  We get in and we pull up to a shopping mall.  Weird.

"Follow me," he says, "it'll be okay."

We walk to the food court and grab some cheap Chinese food.

"Why're we here?" I ask.  I've been wondering this since we got in the car.

"You'll see in a second. Just eat up." He smiles after he says this.  He's starting to scare me.  He keeps laughing and smiling to himself.

He gets up and stands before me, "Hayley Revelle, would you like to be my girlfriend? I know we've only known each other for about a month now, but I have fallen completely for you since day one when I saw you.  So, what do you say?"

I laugh and I feel my face get really red with pride but some embarrassment, "Yes, I will."

He smiles, "Good, I thought you would say no and I would feel really great after that." 

I hear the sarcasm in his voice, and it is a lot.

He takes my hands into his after we finish eating and asks if I'm ready to go home.  

"Yes," I smile at him and lean across the table to kiss him on the cheek.

We pick up our trash and go back out to his car.  He looks over at me, shakes his head, smiles, and starts backing out from our parking space.  Once we get onto the highway I lean my head on his shoulder and I can see the corner of his lips slip into a smile.  We've got about 20 minutes until we'll be home so I take this time to enjoy him.  

He takes a moment to look down at me and kiss my forehead before looking back at the road.  I feel my cheeks getting hot so I sit up and turn on the radio.  The song that slips out of the speaker is Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran.  I start singing along and  Luke is enjoying my voice.  I can tell.

Back Home 20 Minutes Later:

I look at him and grab his hand pulling him closer for a kiss on the cheek. 
"Goodnight," I say grinning.

"Goodnight, gorgeous." He says in return.

I smile and he smiles back before we both turn around and walk into our houses.  Only 2 walls in between us.  I giggle once I get inside, not realizing that my mom is standing in the kitchen.

"What's got you so giddy?" She asks as she laughs too.

"Oh, nothing."

"I saw that little thing in the middle of the road.  He's cute.  Are you dating that boy?" She says raising her eyebrows assumingly.

"Uh. yeah" I laugh.

"He's really cute!" She keeps saying this.

"Yes, mom.  You've said this before.  I know he is."  I say.

"Why don't you invite him over for dinner on Sunday?" She asks.  

Man, she's really persistent!

"Okay," I say. I think they'll like him.

I go to my room and sit on my bed.  I want to text Luke.  I wonder if he's sleeping already.  I wonder if he's thinking of me like I am him?

Me - Hey

What's up beautiful? - Luke

Nothing, what are you doing?

Thinking of someone. You?

Me too

Cool.  Who is it?

You.  Dummy. Lol

Ouch.  I've gotta go to bed.  See you tomorrow?


I sigh, laying down onto my bed.  I wrap myself into my comforter and fall asleep gently.

The Next Morning

I wake up to a text at 6:00 am.  I look down at my phone and it's from Luke.

-Hey.  Good morning.  Sorry for texting you so early.  But, I wanted to tell you that I can drive you this morning.  7?

I smile at this and reply, "Yes.  And good morning to you too."

I get ready in the hour I have and make sure I look good.  I look at myself one more time before I walk out the door to meet Luke outside my house.  I forgot that it was Valentine's Day and he has flowers, a bear, and chocolate in his arms while he was waiting for me by the car.  

I look at him and smile. 

"I'm sorry, I forgot.  I'll get you something I promise." I say.

"It's okay, I don't need anything." He smiles.  "Let me get a picture of you with it."

I gradually smile and take the stuff from his arms.  I kick my leg up and smile cheekily and laugh when the pictures over.

"Thank you," I say.

"My pleasure," he says.  He pulls me closer and kisses me.

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