Chapter One-Father, Please Don't Run

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Normal text is english, italics are Japanese :3
'Well this sucks a big one' you thought as you looked down at your plane ticket. Jeez, it's been a week since your mother passed away and your father was taking it far worse than you. Yes, you missed your mother dearly, but let's face it, you both didn't have the best relationship. Now of course the thought of her being missing in your life made you choke up and made your heart ache, but still, you were handling it better than your father. At least you didn't up and fucking run away to another country. He mentioned something about starting over in Switzerland.

Maybe you were just being selfish, because you were 22 and still lived with your dad. Though in your own defense, you had a job. You played music. Music was your passion, you loved it dearly. Your job as a song writer was a bit hard to make a living off of, but you sure as hell gave it your best shot every single day. You played mostly string instruments like guitar, violin, base, etc. (A ukulele was your personal favorite pass time, it was a fun little thing to play. In fact it was strapped over your back right now.) Determined to never give up, when you fail, you always just tell yourself, 'I'll get it next time.'. Those words always cheered you up.

Except now those words didn't apply much because you were just trying to find your damn plane. Yeesh, which one is it? This trip was supposed to be simple, you were just going to go find your dad and bring him home. Period. You didn't even pack anything but your ukulele. Yeah it's not the most thought out plan but it sounded pretty damn good at the time, and you already stood through that whole long-ass line to get in here so you weren't planning on turning back now, especially for a damn pair of clothes. Clothes lasts forever, who needs clean pants, I mean seriously, one pair of jeans can last a week, and you weren't planning on this trip takin so long.

Letting out a grunt you walk to a flight attendant and just ask her which plane went with your ticket. She had a slight accent so English probably wasn't her first language. You go girl, you smarty pants, speak foreign languages, live your dreams.

"S'cuse me ma'am. D'you know which plane this ticket is for?"

"Uh, could you repeat that please?"

Dammit Y/n, look you made the nice lady confused with your slurred hipster speech. Okay just talk more clearly then. Dad always said to talk clearly anyways.

"Ahah, my bad. Do you know which plane this is for?" You hold out your ticket.

"AH! Yes! Right this way ma'am!" The lady smile and leads you out to your plane.

You thank her then get on the plane and occupy yourself in a seat. Hehe it was pretty neat in here. You've never been on a plane before, and even though these circumstance suck ass, this was still a bit exciting. Closing your eyes you decide to take a nap, but your eyes snap open as the plane has turbulence as it takes off. Once it calms down you begin to doze off again when the announcer comes on.

"Alright, welcome, we will be arriving in Tokyo Japan in 13 hours, so get com-"

You didn't hear the rest.

Tokyo Japan??! You were supposed to be heading to Switzerland!!

Well SHIT MAN, what do you do now? You did not have a plan B for a situation like this! Should you just wait until you get there? Ask for an emergency landing??

'No matter what I do, I don't have enough money to get home.'

Letting out an irritated groan, you bang your head on the plane window. The lady next to you yelped and watched you with a worried expression. Oh this was going to be a LOOONG flight....

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