Chapter Seven- I'll Be Strong For You

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Everything was dark. You felt like you were floating into nothingness, and eventually your body laid against something, making you feel lethargic and heavy. It was hard to breath. You couldn't breath.

Wait, what?

Snapping your eyes open, you lift your head out of the water and breath in a huge gasp of air, panting. Immediately after, you flinch in pain and lift a hand to your throbbing head. Slowly taking a look around, you realize that your body is half out of the water, and that you are drenched, your clothes sticking to your body as the hot sun beats down on you, making you feel sluggish and sick.

Blinking a few times, you remember what happened and sit up quickly, ignoring the agitating pain in your head as you frantically look around for Choromatsu. Did he make it through the fall okay??!

To your left, you spot him laying on his side facing you, his eyes closed and his breath coming rhythmically, making him appear asleep. You let out a loud sigh and grunt as you begin to get up, but then plop back down, letting out a painful hiss as a sharp pain strikes up your leg. Right, the boards from the bridge scratched it. Looking down, you draw in a breath as you see the nasty wound. It was multiple deep cuts, but you figure it should be okay to walk on.

Breathing in a sigh, you attempt it once more and fail again.

After multiple tries, you manage to stand, and you hobble over to Choromatsu, kneels down to gently shake him.

"Hey...Choro, can you move? Are you hurt?"

"" He mutters softly, and once his eyes open, he lets out a ragged cough, starting to tremble. You realize you both had been drenched in freezing water all night, and Choromatsu must have gotten sick, if not only wounded from the fall. It was a wonder all you had was a killer headache and body pains.

"Choromatsu...can you move?"

" uuuurgh..." He groans softly, his little frail body trembling and he sneezes. His eyes droop lazily and he tries to pull himself up, but it results in him quickly loosing strength and collapsing. "My...whole body aches...I'm c-cold..." He mutters softly, and your heart shatters. Choro was in no condition to walk.

Taking a moment to look around, you sigh as you realize you are utterly lost.

Well, the only way to get back to camp was to walk...and Choro clearly wasn't doing that anytime soon. He needed rest and medicine.

"Alright....Alright climb on..." You kneel in front of him, facing away, and stretch your arms out behind you for him to climb onto your back. He was little, so you hoped your injured leg could cope with his extra weight.

Choromatsu didn't even argue, he just weakly hulled himself onto your back, whimpering miserably. Gripping under his knees, you hiked him up onto your back, feeling as he curled his arms around your neck loosely and buried his face in the back of your neck, all his weight now on your aching, sore back.

Taking a breath, you stood up, leaning on your good leg as you adjusted Choromatsu on your back. He wasn't heavy, but your leg wasn't in a very good condition for things like this. Still, this seemed right, and you forced yourself to ignore the pain as you trudged through the forest.

Guilt and sadness filled your chest as you felt Choromatsu shiver and cling to your back. Poor Choro must be hurting... You felt bad because you had no idea what to do.

You could only walk so far before you already had to take a break, and you plopped onto your knees, Choro still resting on your back.


"Yeah? What do you need Choro?"

"I' cold."

"Me too..." you sigh unhappily as you sit down and pull the little man into your lap.

Choromatsu x Reader-Music to My Ears Where stories live. Discover now