Chapter Nine- Dragged Away From You

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It's been a day and a half since your dad called, and you were honest very on edge. What if he ended up coming to get you? He couldn't just drag you away could he? You were a grown fucking adult.

Choromatsu was nervous as well, you could see the way he attempted to hide it, but it was obvious he was worried.

Right now, you were cuddled up with him on the couch as he laid on your tummy and hugged you, his face buried in the crook of your neck. It was obvious that he was asleep, since his back rose up and down steadily and his muscles were relaxed and unmoving. Occasionally his arm would twitch or something.

You were just rubbing small circles into his back as the other hand strokes and massaged his scalp. It was true you didn't want to leave, this feeling of happiness and warmth that swelled in your chest was too intense, too precious.

Then you heard a knock at the door, and your breath caught in your throat. That couldn't be him, could it? Really? No no, it's impossible!

You squeezed Choro's body against yours and buried your face in his shoulder and neck.

Maybe if you just didn't answer it? That way whoever was there would just go away...maybe it wasn't even your father.

Choromatsu felt your grip tighten and he blinks his eyes open and tilts his head to look up at you curiously, then stiffens when he hears the knocking as it becomes more irritated. You sit up on the couch, still holding Choro and you bite your lip nervously, balling up the back of his hoodie in your fists since your arms are still firmly around him.

"I....I don't want to answer that..."


The knocking gets louder then both of you freeze and your blood runs cold as you hear the door open, and Jyushimatsu greet whoever is at the door.

"Helloooooo! Matsuno Jyushinatsu, how can I help youuuu~?"

As soon as no one answers the greeting, you know exactly who it is, because you know for a fact he speaks no Japanese. It only takes you a moment to set Choro down and race to the other room and gaze in as you see your father standing in the doorway, and as soon as he locks eyes with you, you know you're in some deep shit.

"Y/n! Come on, we are going ho-"

"NO!!" You shout with tears in your eyes, causing Jyushimatsu, Choromatsu, and your father to flinch. "I-I'm not leaving! When have you ever actually been there for me when I needed you? NEVER! Even when I was little, you'd never actually help me when I needed you, you weren't SUPPORTIVE!

"Y/n, liste-"

"N-no!! I'm not going back, a-"

It happened in only a moment. Maybe even shorter a time. But you weren't ready, you weren't ready for him to step forward and slap you right across the face, hard enough to make your head whip to the side. It took you a moment to stray yourself, but Even then, you didn't look up. He just hit you, you couldn't fucking believe he just hit you, he's never hit you before.

Next time he speaks, he shouts loudly and threateningly at you, causing you to shrink away some.

"Y/n L/n, we are going home NOW, I will NOT LOOSE YOU TO! And YOU DON'T ARGUE WITH ME, UNDERSTOOD?!"

You felt like your throat was closing up. Even when you hear Choromatsu approaching from behind you, you can't bring yourself to look. Jyushimatsu was completely frozen in place, shocked even though he's smiling.

"Understood..." You choke out softly, trying to speak but your voice doesn't come out right.


Choromatsu x Reader-Music to My Ears Where stories live. Discover now