Chatper Six- I Vow My Loyalty

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It was the night before the camping trip and you couldn't sleep. It'd be impossible for you to sleep.

Outside, it was thundering and storming very loudly, and though you were not necessarily afraid of storms, the one currently going on sound quite nasty. Every few seconds an ear splitting thunderclap could be heard, the entire sky lighting up as lightning crackles across the cloudy night sky.

Even though sleep desperately tugged at your heavy eyelids, you could not keep them closed long enough for sleep to overcome you, since every thunder boom sounded as if it were right over your head, and every moment you heard the terrible noise, it made you flinch and sent shivers down your spine.

Basically it was fucking annoying and loud.

Sighing tiredly, you shift on your couch bed and curl up tightly, pulling your blanket over your head. This really sucked.

After a moment, the newest thunderclap fades so it's quiet enough for you to hear the subtle creaking of the floorboards right outside the room as two bare feet make their way down the hall. Sitting up abruptly, you stare at the door with wide eyes, fear clawing at your insides.

Yes it was more than likely one of the brothers probably going to take a late-night piss, but the childish thought of 'what if it's a ghost?' Was playing through your head rapidly, making you very uneasy and shaky. It was probably reasonable to blame the thunder for putting you on edge, but regardless, you held your breath and felt fear swell up rapidly in your chest as the door slid open softly.

Once you see Choromatsu's familiar, anxious face, you let out a relieved sigh, feeling your adrenaline slowly exiting your body. Thank God it wasn't a ghost...

"Y/n-chan? Are you awake?"

"Yeah, it's not possible to sleep with all this noise." You visibly flinch as a crack of lightning splits across the sky, making the house shudder softly.

Choro seems to notice your discomfort, and he makes his way over and sits beside you, offering you a soft smile. "Are you afraid? Of thunder I mean."

"Well no, not usually. But tonight it's rather intense, and well being all alone in a little dark room just puts me a bit on edge..."

"Ah I see...well I'm here...n-now." Choro mutters out softly and he looks up at you, and if it wasn't so dark in the room, you'd be able to see his blushing red face.

Smiling, you curl your arm around him and pull him closer, causing him to let out a startled yelp as you curl up with him in your arms as you roll onto your side. You had to admit, Choro made you feel a lot safer and calm when he was around, even though he was just a huge blushy dork. Of course you noticed the way that your heart beat wildly when Choro was close to you, and you noticed the way that your face would burn like fire whenever he smiles or laughed. It was easy to tell you had feelings for him, but you were not going to rush into feelings like that, especially when it could simply be infatuation, or the fact that you were just lonely. Even if you didn't feel romanic towards him, you definitely did care about him, that was for sure.

Your heart palpitated as you felt Choromatsu curl his shaky hands around your waist, and you melted in his embrace as you felt how warm and soft he was.  By now you have noticed Choromatsu is careful about everything he does, always respecting others' boundaries. You also noticed he was not confident at all about most of his actions. The way he spoke, it was always nervous and quiet, and when he embraced you, he was very shaky and a blush was always present on his chubby cheeks. If you wanted to do anything, it was to make Choro feel confident and happy with himself. The best way you could do that was to show him you completely accepted him and likes him the way he was. What better way than to hug, yeah?

Choromatsu x Reader-Music to My Ears Where stories live. Discover now