Chapter 12

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When Devon awoke the next morning, Josh was gone. She was mad at herself for not waking when he had left, but she hadn't slept well since he had been gone, so it was understandable why she did. She rolled over and looked at the clock. At least she wasn't late.

She got up and gathered her stuff before making her way back across the hall with a smile. She had spent the entire night in Josh's arms. Granted, it was not what she imagined it would be like, but it had still been wonderful just to be held by him.

She heard her phone ringing as she entered her apartment and reached for it, noting that it was Grant.

"How soon can you be here?" he asked before she could even say hello.

"In about half an hour if I rush," Devon said looking at the clock.

"Good, our boys brought us home some more work and there's plenty of it," he said before he ended the call.

Devon couldn't suppress the shudder that ran through her body. She had a feeling that whatever they had managed to bring home was dangerous, and the process that they had gone through to attain it had not been easy.

Devon managed to make it in forty-five minutes. She had worn a suit in navy with a white blouse and her glasses. Her hair in its usual bun. She looked every inch the professional despite being rushed. As soon as she entered her office Grant was there holding out a cup of coffee.

"Did Nina find you last night?" No matter what they had to do that day this was the question that needed to be answered first. She took a sip of her coffee, watching Grant over the lid.

He was actually blushing as he nodded, "What did you say to her?"

"I told her that we had never slept together." Devon kept her tone even.

He choked on his coffee as he looked at her. "Was that really all it was?"

"It's not a little thing for a woman, Grant. Especially when it's her best friend." Devon reached out and gave him a hug. "I'm glad you two worked it out, and I expect your firstborn to be named after Aunt Devon."

Grant laughed and shook his head. "You're jumping the gun a little bit." He held open the door to her office and waited for her to proceed him while she gathered her things.

"I don't think so." Devon smiled sweetly at him. "It's been a long time coming, hasn't it?"

They worked hard that day, and by the time they were finished reviewing all of the information that had been provided to them, their personal conversation seemed a long way away. They were both mentally and physically exhausted, and Devon was even a little ill at what she had heard.

There was no doubt that they had caught the bad guy, but what was so scary about it was that he was just the tip of an iceberg that went very deep. Grant and Devon grabbed a quick dinner which they ate in her office before they had to go to a debriefing.

None of the SEALs had been present during her and Grant's deconstruction of the evidence that had been provided to them, but they would be there to hear their findings.  She had listened to all of their voices on the video footage they had reviewed while pretending that they all belonged to someone else.

She and Grant walked into a large room that was similar to the classroom in which Devon taught her classes. It was full of men, but there were two other women present and they appeared to be secretaries of some sort. Devon recognized some of the men from her first meeting, but there were at least six others that she didn't recognize, and this time it was evident that she was not going to be introduced to them as she and Grant moved to the two chairs at the front of the room. Grant introduced himself and then Devon before immediately launching into what their findings were from a psychological standpoint. They were both careful to remain as objective as possible and explain why they had come to the conclusions that they had.

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