Chapter 16

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That evening Devon felt the need to pull out all of the stops for dinner. She left her hair down so that the red waves caressed her shoulders, and she was wearing a little black dress with spaghetti straps that barely skimmed her knees. The heels that she had chosen were three inches and made the most of her long legs.

Nina had given her a cashmere wrap in an amber color, and she wrapped that around her arms in case she got cold. After taking one last look at her reflection, satisfied with the result, she made her way down to dinner. Even though she was a little late to the pre-dinner drink gathering in the living room, and almost everyone had a drink,  Bree still hadn't arrived.

Making her way over to the drinks cart, she asked for a white wine and watched while James poured it for her. "Why are you always assigned as bartender?" Devon asked as she took the drink.

"Habit I guess. In my younger years it meant that I got to talk to all the pretty girls. I guess it still does." He gave her a wink.

"Stop trying to flirt with Devon, Dad. It's embarrassing," Josh said as he and Kellan came up for refills.

Devon watched as James poured them a finger each of bourbon and topped it off liberally with club soda. They were drinking light that evening. She took in their appearances, they both had on dark suits, Kellan had a crisp white shirt that made the most of his tan, and Josh was wearing a grey shirt that matched his eyes perfectly. Neither one was wearing a tie.

She forced her eyes away from Josh's strong chest and looked up at his eyes. "How was your day with the bridesmaids?" she asked sweetly with just a touch of acid.

"Fun." Josh grinned. "Jealous?"

"The hell it was, we went antiquing, and I swear they were both playing house. What would you like in your house, what about children, it was horrible, and you're not leaving us again," Kellan insisted, putting his arm around Devon's waist giving her a hug.

"How was your nap?" Josh asked, looking at Kellan's arm around her with a frown.

"Restful." Devon sipped her wine watching Josh. "Which girl did you have the pleasure of escorting this afternoon?" she asked, looking over at the three women who were watching her.

"I was with Topaz and Kellan was with Carly." Josh said into his drink.

Topaz! That was her name. She was the tall brunette, and Carly was the dirty blond.  Both were attractive women, and they were looking their best that evening in low cut dresses that were just a little too tight in Devon's opinion. "I know Carly. but what's the other one's name?"

"These are your sister's closest friends, how do you not know their names?" Josh teased.

"It's Freda." Kellan supplied as Devon shot Josh a sour look.

Eventually, Bree made her grand entrance and everyone turned to look at her as was planned. She was wearing a light pink dress with and empire waist and cap sleeves, and she looked delightful and feminine as Hal moved to greet her.

"Bree looks nice," Devon said softly, watching her as she moved around the room.

"She looks like a little girl, but you look like a woman Firefly," Josh whispered into her ear leaving a kiss behind.

"You three look chummy," Bree said flouncing over to them all smiles. "I don't know how you can choose between these two." She gave them each a kiss on the cheek. "But then maybe you don't," she said slyly before laughing as if it was a funny joke. It was just enough to plant the idea into everyone's head that Devon was having an affair with both Josh and Kellan.

"I thought the whole point of them both coming was so that you could choose between them," Devon said innocently. "I certainly didn't invite either of them. They're here at your insistence."

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