Chapter 14

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Devon was ready to go when Josh and Kellan showed up the next morning. The power had come back on at about six that morning, and she and Nina had been at the bar early to clean-up everything. She had packed the day before, and she had been glad to help Nina and release some of the nervous energy that had built up since she had last talked to Josh.

She knew that it would be impossible to have a private conversation with him on the car ride since Kellan would be with them, but she had decided to get him on his own the first chance she got and find out what he was up to. Devon wanted a resolution once and for all because being his friend was not working for her. She had wanted all of him then and she still wanted all of him. The only difference was that ten years ago she had wanted him as a girl and now she wanted him as a woman. A woman who saw all of his charms and his flaws.

Kellan took the back seat of the truck with the luggage. Each man had a duffle and a garment bag which she guessed held their suits for the wedding. Devon had tried to pack as little as possible, but knowing her sister she would have to have a different outfit for every event. Not for the first time Devon wished women had it as easy as men did in the fashion department.

They were travelling two hours to an estate on the western side of the state which had been rented by the groom's family for privacy. Bree had shared some of the events that had been planned during her brief visit. Hunting was at the top of the list since Hal and his father were very keen on it. There was to be a different party every night as well as teas and luncheons. They were all expected to stay through the wedding and the enormous reception afterwards which was doubling as a New Year's Eve Party.

Christmas Eve was the following day, and she had done her best to get everyone she knew a gift, but she wasn't sure if it was going to be done the traditional way she was used to, around a Christmas tree, or if it was going to be a nonchalant affair.

Devon had gotten her parents the usual little trifles, a Hermes scarf for her mother, a new golf shirt for her father, and Bree and Hal were receiving a couple's massage. For Kellan she had gotten a pre-release copy of the book that she had written on the science of facial expressions and body language since he had expressed an interest in having a copy for his library. She had finished writing it before she left the West Coast and hadn't told anyone but him that she had written it, and she was excited to share it with someone who shared her interest.

She had thought carefully about what to get Josh and had almost decided against getting him something until she saw a figurine of a little boy holding a glass firefly in the palms of his hands. The colors were so vibrant it looked as if it was glowing when it was held up to the light. The more she thought of it the more unlikely she thought it was that she would give it to him since, to her, it meant so very much. Josh had been that little boy holding the firefly. Devon had been his then and she still was now. She was certain after she gave it to him that no words would be necessary as he would know exactly how she felt.

"What are you thinking about, Devon?" Josh asked as he took his eyes off the road just long enough to glance at her. Devon watched his strong hands on the wheel as he navigated the wet road.

"Nothing much," she said, turning to look out the window at the passing scenery. He and Kellan were dressed for any circumstance they encountered when they arrived at the estate. They were both wearing dress slacks with dress shirts and their ties and coats were draped over the luggage in case they were needed. "I was just thinking how much easier it is for men to pack for these kind of events."

"How do you figure?" Josh asked.

Devon shrugged. "You and Kellan are fairly comfortable and casual as you are, but if needed, you can both throw on a coat and a tie and are instantly prepared for a fancy lunch. I, on the other hand, am stuck in a dress with heels, and probably overdressed. I had to pack a different outfit for every event, including shoes and accessories. The two of you only need a couple of suits and can change your ties and shirts for a completely different look."

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