Chapter 15

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When Josh's truck pulled around the drive and stopped in front of the house, there was a heavy silence as they all stared at the enormous monstrosity that stood before them. It looked like it belonged on the beaches of Malibu not in the Virginia countryside. The coolness of the snow looked so absurd next to the pale pink walls that there were no words to explain the contrast.

Kellan leaned forward and patted Josh on the shoulder. "This is going to be fun."

They watched as the front door to the McMansion opened, and Bree and Pamela walked out onto the almost non-existent front porch which was surrounded by potted palms. They were followed by Jenny and two people she didn't recognize, whom she guessed were staff for the estate.

"I still have no clue why I agreed to this," Kellan said, reaching for his tie and throwing Josh's at him. "I don't think Devon is underdressed."

The men made quick work of their ties while Devon looked at her sister. She was wearing a beautiful wool dress the same color as her eyes, and her hair had a tousled look that must have taken hours to perfect. "I think Bree took as long on her hair as Will takes on his beard," Devon said without thinking

Kellan and Josh started laughing at her observation, and they were still laughing as Josh reached for his jacket then opened his door. Kellan followed his lead, but Devon, who was still unsure about the entire fiasco that was about to be Bree's wedding, remained in her seat, watching the pleasure on the women's faces at the sight of the men.

Josh wasn't going to let her linger though as he opened her door for her. "Are you going to put on your shoes or would you like me to carry you?" he asked, blocking her from view of the ladies on the porch.

She blushed at the thought of Josh carrying her and reached for her shoes, putting them on in a hurry. "I can't imagine which would be worse, the fact that I'm barefoot or you carrying me."

"Let's find out." Josh reached to grab her, but she jumped out of the truck before he could.

"Josh, don't cause trouble," Devon hissed as he closed her door behind her.

The two staff members came down the steps, and Josh directed them towards the luggage without taking his eyes off of Devon's flushed face. Pamela and Jenny started down the stairs to greet their children. Pamela gave Devon air kisses, turned to Josh and gave him a hug, then turned towards Kellan, introducing him to Jenny. Jenny had hugged Josh, nodded to Devon, and shook Kellan's hand.

"It's nice to finally meet Josh's mother." Kellan had turned the charm on full blast and it rivaled Josh's.

Devon remained silent, listening to the chatter around her and watching Bree who was enemy number one where Josh was concerned. The thought brought Devon up short. When did she decided that Bree was the enemy? She had never viewed her as one before, no matter how many boyfriends of hers she stole. It was Josh, Devon had decided that she wanted him, and she had never wanted any other man before him and that made Bree a threat. 

The thought of Josh and Bree together made her sick.

Bree stood before them with her sweetest smile in place, waiting until the other ladies were finished greeting them. She was going to make Josh and Kellan come to her. Josh took Devon by the arm as if to escort her up the stairs, and the Smothers chittered about how wonderfully polite he was.

"Polite my ass," Devon hissed into his ear as she remembered him leaving her sitting on the cold ground with a Christmas tree on top of her, or all of the times he had ignored her at the bar, or now when he was really using her as a shield against Bree.

"Maybe I just want to be beside you Devon, hold you close and feel your warmth?" Josh whispered in her ear.

Devon's knees went a little weak at his words which caused her to stumble a little, but it was hardly noticeable as Josh kept a tight grip on her arm. "Be careful, Firefly, we've already established that you don't want me to carry you."

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