Chapter 20 (The End)

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It was unspoken between Devon and her parents that none of them would mention Josh. Bree asked what had happened to him and Kellan, and James had made the simple statement that they had returned home in order to straighten out a few things. Then he reassured everyone that Josh would do his best to be back before the wedding.

James stuck close to Devon over the next week, keeping her company and reminiscing with her about how great it was when they had all been kids.  It was obvious that James remembered their childhood differently than Devon did.

Bree had cornered her one day, with Hal watching, and thanked her for the wake-up call she had given her.  Saying that she realized that she had almost lost Hal and she wouldn't be able to live if that happened. It was all very realistic and well done, and Devon almost bought it until, just before she left the room to follow Hal to lunch, she turned back and embraced Devon.

"I may not have gotten my chance with Kellan and Josh but neither did you, admit it." Bree had whispered in a mocking voice.

Devon laughed, and hugged Bree so tight she struggled to get away. "They're both too smart for you to ever fool. They see you just as clearly as I do little sister." This time it was Devon who hit the word little hard. "I hope you and Hal will be very happy and I would do my best, if I were you, to make him as happy as possible. If he ever sees the real you, it's game over my dear."

Bree finally broke free almost falling as she did.

Hal shot them an odd look, "It's a game we played as girls." Devon smiled as she pushed Bree towards him. "Don't let me keep you."

Annabelle had milked the heroine story for all she was worth and it paid off in a big way. The cameras were all set to cover the wedding of her son, the son whose life she saved, and Bree was ecstatic about being famous through association. The phone calls and cameras had been casing the house for the last week, and Devon had remained indoors missing her morning runs because she was too afraid to venture outside for fear that she would be accosted by reporters.

Cold snow had fallen the night before the wedding and the world looked like a winter wonderland. Since Bree wasn't participating in the wedding setup she had an easy day as she watched the women run around like clucking chickens while they tried to get everything and everyone organized.

Devon had decided to wear a simple dove grey dress with a silver belt for the ceremony in an attempt to keep with the holiday theme. She rode to the church with the McIntires and they sat in a front pew that was reserved for family.

It was almost time for the ceremony to begin, and everyone had arrived and taken their seat when the door opened and Kellan entered wearing full dress blues. Devon looked behind him for Josh and was crushed when he wasn't there.

There was a murmur of appreciation that went through the crowd at the sight Kellan made while he moved down the aisle to join her. He really did look magnificent, just as every hero should, and If he looked good she knew that Josh would look spectacular.

Devon's disappointment must have shown because Kellan joined her with a kiss on the cheek saying that Josh had gotten held up in town but he would try to make the reception. she nodded and linked her arm through his as she looked up at him grinning at her.

"You look very handsome Kellan, why on earth don't you have a girl?" she whispered.

He grimaced. "Been there, done that, no thank you."

"You just chose the wrong one. Don't worry the right one will come along one day, and I'll be around to make sure you don't let the opportunity pass you by." Devon nodded, sure that it would work out the way she hoped.

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