Chapter 1

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Janae Pov

I woke up at 6 to wake Marie up for daycare. I got up and put my robe on and went do my hygiene. I finish and walked in Marie room. I turned on her light and she just moved around

"Marie wake up" i said shaking her

" Mommy do i have to go" she said putting her head under the cover

"Yes you cant miss anymore days now come on" i said " what color you wanna wear" i asked

"White" she said

I walked in her closet and got some skinny jeans,white t-shirt,a camo jacket,and Tan Air Force 1. I let her get dress and put her hair in 2 buns. I put her earrings in and a cute little chain. I told her to brush her teeth and so eat. She went downstairs to go and eat I went into Michael room he was knocked out snoring.

"Michael baby wake up" I said shaking him and he opened his eyes and tried to hurry up and close them. " Ahhhh I saw you" I said tickling him he was up. I picked him up and went in his bathroom to brush his teeth. And then I went to his closet and got him some jeans, a white shirt, camo jacket, and tan Air Force 1s. I put a chain on him. I was finish and kinda brushed his hair. I took him downstairs to eat. I went backup stairs and August was still sleep. I let him get his sleep cause he want to do everything and barely get sleep so when he sleep i let him unless i need to wake him up. I went throw on some sweats and a shirt with my slides. I go down stairs to get Marie and Michael. They was finished so i put their bowls in the sink and lead time to the car. I was putting Michael in his car seat while Marie was getting in her booster seat. I got in the driver seat and buckled up.

"Mommy i don't like my daycare they trwy to be my friend cause you and daddy" Marie said

"Well I'm looking for y'all a different daycare now" i told her " so don't worry"

I know about the kids trying to be Marie friend cause who we are. And I understand. So I'm trying to look for a private daycare for them cause i hate they in that type of daycare. Don't get me wrong they are learning and everything else but I'm not feeling them kids. But it won't be long baby. I pull up and get them both out the car helping them grab they stuff. We walk in and i sign them in and bring them to their classes. I get them settled and i go back to the front. And i go the lady at the desk.

"Hello uhm I'm trying to see if y'all having anything y'all need me to sign cause my kids won't attend y'all day care any more like how that go " i said nicely and this bitch gone look and me and continue typing

" Did you hear me " i asked

"Oh i did" she said with an attitude

"Ok so answer my question the fuck" i said

" loo" before she could say anything i slapped her stupid ass and went across the desk and started beating the fuck out that hoe. And the tried to pull me back so i grabbed her hair and was still punching that bitch she fell and my leg was free so i was kicking that bitch. And they finally got me back.

"Now what don't play with me bitch" i yelled

" ma'ma we don't blame you for what you did cause this her 3 time getting her ass whooped but you need to leave the property as soon as possible" the lady said

" i don't give a fuck" i went in the back got my kids and left.

I went and was heading to Mama sheila house. I pulled out got them out and went knock on the door .

"Mommy why you got a scratch on your face" Marie asked

"I accidentally scratched myself" i told her thinking she was about to ask why they left daycare.

She opens the door " child what happened" she said letting us in the kids gave her a hug and ran into the back in the toy room.

"Well this lady at the daycare wanna act stupid so i showed her how stupid i can act" i said

" so lemme guess you beat her ass now you can't go back to the daycare and August and You are busy today so you need me to watch them ain't a problem" she said smiling

"Thank you so much" i said hugging her. I went into the back "y'all gone spend the day with grandma so y'all be good I'll come back and get y'all later ok" i said

" Well can we spend the night over here" Marie jumped up and asked

"That's up to her" i said she ran out the room i already knew the answer was going to be yes.

"She said yes" she said coming back into the room dancing

" ok well I'll be back to bring y'all clothes" i said
"Love y'all" i said. And if y'all thinking Michael don't really talk much. He can hear fine he just don't speak it's rare and weird. He really only talk to Marie.

"Love you too Mommy" she said

I got up and left. I got back home and August was still sleep. So i went hop in the shower and wash my hair. My hair is like a black blue you can really only see the blue in the light. I got out and re did my hygiene. I went in my closet and put on my bra and panties and went put my curl products in my hair and blow dry it so my curls are dry. I did my make up and i got up and put on a champagne velvet off the shoulder romper with some Louis Vuitton shoes. I walk in the room and August walking out the bathroom.

"Good morning babe" i said giving him a kiss

"Morning sexy" he said " what you gotta do today"

" Uhm i gotta run by my office today to see what girl wanna wear for her li birthday bash then i need to look for a day care for the kids cause i can't go back there another story for you and the kids spending the night with your mama so i need to bring them clothes and after that I'm freeeee for the rest of the day and tomorrow" i said happily

" So am i" he said " so Ima rock with you today and tomorrow we going have a family day alright" i said

" that sounds great" i said putting on some lipstick

" ok lemme go get dress"  he said

I went in the kids room and pack them some clothes. And went back in the room august had on light wash jeans, a white and red Supreme jacket, and Air Jordan XIII History of Flight. With chains earrings and his grill.

"You ready " i asked

"Yea" he said

We went hop in my charger.

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