Chapter 5

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August Pov

I just looked at her. I smiled and a smile slowly creeped on her face.

"Oh shit that's crazy." I said looking at her

"I know I'm having a gender reveal well that's what i want to do" she said

" ok w" i was about to say some but she cut me off

"I wanna do so many photo shoots so get ready and my baby shower ok what else oh yea Marie having a photo shoot for her birthday i want you there and yes you can help plan the party ok lemme think what else" she said thinking

"Ok well how many months are you" i asked

"I haven't went to the doctor but Ik the symptoms this my 3rd child" she said looking down smiling.

"I'm really happy man" i said going over and touching her belly. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes

"August what did i do wrong? What was i missing? I know I'm not perfect but you really had to do this to me. You really fucking hurt me and you try to act like everything is peaches and cream but it ain't." She said crying in my chest and i felt bad

"You didn't do anything wrong don't blame anything on yourself. This was all my fault and I'm admitting it. Don't beat yourself up about it. I know a sorry won't fix this. I know you will need your time away from me i understand and respect that but you will always be mine, My Wife, My Baby mama, My Everything, My World, My Forever if it ain't some that's something no other women can take away from you and i won't let them. I promise you ima fix this idc how long it take. I will always love you with my whole heart" i said lifting her head up wiping her tears

" i love you too" She said hugging me

"Ima leave you alone and let you get your head right now, call me whenever and let me know about Marie party" i said kissing her cheek

"Ok" she said playing with her finger

I let my self out and went to my car. I just thought like i really left her in that hotel room. I'm really trying to let this settle in my head I'm doing this for her. So Ik she ready when she ready to come back. But knowing Janae this will most definitely be hard.

Janae Pov

I saw him walk out and close that door i broke down. It kinda sound like a good bye but he will be back. I respect he doing this for me and to get my mind right BUT NIGGA I WANT YOU but i do need to get my mind right but still i need him. Like i don't know what to do with myself. But i have to stay strong for my kids and my baby.

I went into the bathroom and went in the bathroom and went fix up my make up. I left out and grabbed my purse. I went and on a hunt for a house. I pulled up to this neighborhood and they houses was nice af. I went to the office and looked around pretty fancy.

"Hello what may i help you with" this dude said mmmm kinda cute

"Uhm i was looking to buy a house" i said

"How many rooms" he asked

"Mmm like 4 or 5" i said smiling

"Well in your luck we have a house for sell that have 5 rooms and 4 in a half bath" he said

"I'll take it" i said

"Ok you just got to sign a couple of papers" he said

"Ok" i said following him to his office and the paper work.

"Ok well I'll show you to the house" he said we went and got on a gulf cart

"You know your very pretty" he said looking at me

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