Chapter 3

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Janae Pov
I woke up my legs are killing me right now. August was gone probably went to the studio. I got up and went do my hygiene. I went in Marie room and woke her up.

"Marie baby wake up" i said 

"I start my new daycare todawy" she asked in her sleepy voice

"Yea" i said

"Let's go" She said popping out of bed.

"What color you wanna wear" i asked looking in her closet

"Blueee" She said in her bathroom

I looked and found her a blue skirt, a white polo shirt, with some blue converse. I did her hair in 2 braids in the front with a puff ball in the back. I put her necklace on with her matching bracelet.

"Play while i get your brother ready" i said they made a big ass mess in the kitchen yesterday

"Ok mommy" she said

I went in Michael room and room and woke him.

"Michael baby it's time to wake up"I told him playing in his hair

"No" he said

"Well it's to late" i picked him up bringing him in his bathroom and brushing his teeth. I finished and brought him to his closet and got him some camo pants, with a white shirt, with some tan high top Air Force ones. I put him a li chain on and some water in his hair.

I brought him and Marie downstairs and fixed them some oatmeal and turned the tv on. I ate a li bit and went upstairs and took a quick shower. I redid my hygiene and went in my closet and got a white Chanel bodysuit with the symbol in black, light jean skirt with some rips in it, and some white yeezys. I went do my make up and did my wand curls. I got my purse and phone and went downstairs. And got the kids in the car and left.

I pulled up to the daycare got the kids and went in. I looks fancy in here. I went to the front desk.

"Hello today their first day" i said

"Hi names" this lady ask

"Marie Alsina and Michael Alsina" i told her

"Yea ok they are in the computer i will take them to their classes" she said

"Ok" i said looking down at them " ok the nice lady will take y'all to y'all classes have fun ok" i told them

"Ok" Marie said giving me a hug and Michael did the same but he just ain't let me go and started crying

"Awww my baby" i said picking him up

"You can just come with us then" she said

She walked us down the hall to Marie class and she ran in to play with the other kids. She just so friendly.

"Ms. Johnson" the lady called her over and she came.

"You have a new student Marie Alsina she ran over there but this is her mother" she said

"Hi well I'm Ms.Johnson and uhm you daughter will have much fun and learn lots in here" she said putting her hand out

"As long as she have fun and most importantly learn and just to warn you she active" i said laughing

"Well aren't they all nice meeting you" She said smiling

"You to" i said

"Ok next class"the lady said

We walked back towards the front but went went through a door and went into this class.

"Ms. Brown" the lady called her over and she came

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